View Full Version : Charity donation - somewhat OT

Jason Clark2
01-23-2009, 11:13 PM
I was solicited earlier this week to donate some of my photo work to the silent and/or live auctions to be held at the 2009 Desert Woodturning Roundup. I gave them their choice of 5 different images that represent the state of Arizona:


"Sentinel and the Stormfront"

"Saguaro Strike"

"Antelope Canyon"

"The Wave"

Ultimately they ended up choosing "Saguaro Strike" and "The Wave". Both have been printed at 11 X 14, double matted, and framed up to 16 X 20.

Hopefully a couple of guys with pockets deeper than mine will be inclined to bid on these, if not I'm still happy to have contributed.

On a bit of a personal note I'm a bit disappointed they didn't choose "Sentinel and the Stormfront", I took that photo on July 13th 2004, about 30 minutes after my wife called me to let me know she'd taken a pregnancy test and that I would be a father for a second time.


Bernie Weishapl
01-23-2009, 11:24 PM
Wow those of the lightening are cool. Those ought to do well. My brother is just nuts over taking lightening pictures. He has won several awards.

Richard Madison
01-23-2009, 11:29 PM
Nice work Jason. Those are the two I would have chosen. Have seen "The Wave" before. Have you ever been in Wimberley, Texas?

Jeff Nicol
01-24-2009, 6:09 AM
Jason, You are a man of great talant! Those photos are some of the best I have seen! I love nature and take pictures of it all the time! It gives us reason to live on as this great world of ours has so much to offer! I think it will sell well, and no matter the donation is going for a good thing!



Steve Schlumpf
01-24-2009, 6:52 PM
Beautiful photos Jason! That was very generous of you to donate the two to the 2009 Desert Woodturning Roundup! Hope they bring in a lot of money! They should!

Chris Barnett
01-24-2009, 8:17 PM
Would vote for the last. Sometimes the lack of effects shows the true beauty in one's photograph.

Jason Clark2
01-25-2009, 1:19 AM
Thanks all, I'm happy to have contributed no matter how much they end up bringing.

#1 was taken about 2 years ago about 3 miles from my home, Canon EOS 10D digital SLR.
#2 as mentioned was July 13th 2004, about 10 miles from home, Canon EOS 10D digital SLR.
#3 was back in 2002 or 2003 also about 10 miles from home, Canon EOS Elan 7E 35mm SLR.
#4 was back in 2002 about 2 miles Page AZ, Canon EOS Elan 7E 35mm SLR.
#5 was May 2004, mid way between Page AZ and Kanab UT. 10 miles down a dirt road and then a 3 mile overland hike in the high desert of Utah/Arizona. The Wave is situated about 1/4 mile south of the AZ/UT border. Permits are required to enter and have been limited to just 20 people per day. I've been twice and plan to go back again at least one more time, it's like no other place on earth. Canon EOS 10D Digital SLR


Dewey Torres
01-25-2009, 3:53 AM
Love the Saguaros. Never got tried of seeing them. All of your pics are great.