View Full Version : Pin nailer recommendations?

John Miliunas
06-29-2004, 12:25 AM
Looking for recommendations on pin nailers. Micro pin nailers, to be exact. You know...The ones taking 23ga brads. I've found a bit on a PC and Senco units. The only other one I've found is actually distributed by HF! (I'm kind of dismissing the one from Harbor Freight, for obvious reasons.) :rolleyes: I know there must be some of you folks using such units. Any advice from those with hands-on experience? :cool:

Mark Singer
06-29-2004, 1:15 AM
I have 2 brad nailers...Senco,and Porter Cable,...PC is much better

Jim Guy
06-29-2004, 5:59 AM
Is there a difference between a brad nailer and a pin nailer? I have been looking for something to hold small trim on while a little glue sets up.

Stewart Crick
06-29-2004, 6:03 AM

I got the PC a couple weeks ago to help attach small molding on a fireplace mantle. I'm very pleased with it. I can't compare it to other pin nailers, but it has met all of my pin nailing needs!


Looking for recommendations on pin nailers. Micro pin nailers, to be exact. You know...The ones taking 23ga brads. I've found a bit on a PC and Senco units. The only other one I've found is actually distributed by HF! (I'm kind of dismissing the one from Harbor Freight, for obvious reasons.) :rolleyes: I know there must be some of you folks using such units. Any advice from those with hands-on experience? :cool:

John Renzetti
06-29-2004, 7:05 AM
Hi John, Take a look at the Omer. On the recommendation of a couple of friends who have them I bought one last year. Really nice unit, great balance and nicely constructed. They are made in Italy. Liked it so much I spent a little extra and got their 18g brad nailer.
take care,

Bob Marino
06-29-2004, 7:45 AM
Hi John, Take a look at the Omer. On the recommendation of a couple of friends who have them I bought one last year. Really nice unit, great balance and nicely constructed. They are made in Italy. Liked it so much I spent a little extra and got their 18g brad nailer.
take care,

Somehow I knew you'd recommend the Omer ;) . Actually, I have it also. It is hand assembled, all metal and has a metallic paint job better than any car I've seen. Overkill for most people (especially me!) and priced accordingly and bought it as a impulse/recommendation/splurge, but it is one nice pinner!


John Miliunas
06-29-2004, 8:39 AM
"Omer"??? :confused: Que pasa, "Omer"? OK, new one on me! Guess I'll have to do some searching on this one! :) Thanks guys! :D

Jim G....Yes, there is a difference. Even with an 18ga. nailer, you will typically end up filling holes. The 23ga. micro pinner, you can often get away without even filling, as the holes are hardly noticeable, depending on the wood. The caveat being is, unless this "Omer" one is different, they only go to 1" brads, so don't plan on using it for thicker trim and such. :cool:

Peter Kuhlman
06-29-2004, 8:52 AM
I have the Senco pin nailer. One issue is that it is NOT oil-less and the nailer shot oil for many shots just on what oil was in the unit when shipped. Another issue is that it has NO safety - if you pull the trigger it fires - even if you are just carrying it around. I don't want to sound negative as it works really well and is built with high quality but it sure would have been nicer if it was made oil-less like the Senco 18 guage brad nailers. I believe the PorterCable unit is similar. I am not familiar with the Omer.
Pete in Louisiana

Greg Heppeard
06-29-2004, 9:00 AM

The PC will run you about $150 unless you can find a sale. I don't know what I did without mine.

Jim Becker
06-29-2004, 9:51 AM
I own the Accuset (formerly made by Senco and vitually identical to the current Senco pinner other than color. It and the PC are the two "affordable" units with brand names. The Omer is the "Bentley" of pinners and looks to be a fine tool at about twice the cost. Whatever you choose, these 23 guage headless beauties are wonderful for all kinds of things...both the obvious like small moldings and things like temporary jigs and the like. I even use the pins on cope and stile doors to "nail" the alignment during glue-up and reduce clamping time. (Saves space)

BTW, Coastal Tool is a good source for these if you don't have a local dealer you prefer to, err...deal with.

John Miliunas
06-29-2004, 9:59 AM
OK, for you Omer owners: Do you *have* to purchase their specific brads or will others fit? :confused: I note that their refills are pricey, as well. Secondly, which one did you go for? There's the one with the shorter capacity and one which will go 1+".

And for Greg, have you noted any trend in the PC's coming back for repair or such? :confused: I currently have an Accuset brad nailer and stapler and, they've both been serving me well, though I've seen somewhere that, Senco has supposedly "cheapened" them up some. (Can't verify that, so take it with a grain of salt!) :cool:

Jim Becker
06-29-2004, 10:03 AM
I currently have an Accuset brad nailer and stapler and, they've both been serving me well, though I've seen somewhere that, Senco has supposedly "cheapened" them up some.
Senco no longer manufactures Accuset...for about two years now.

John Miliunas
06-29-2004, 10:12 AM
Senco no longer manufactures Accuset...for about two years now.

Yeah, I know that, Jim. I got lucky and picked up on the 1/2-price deals at Woodcraft for mine when they were closing them out. :) "Accuset" doesn't even exist anymore, does it? Anyhow, I had just heard that Senco isn't quite the quality it once was. I like to save a buck wherever I can and Senco is the least expensive (besides HF!), but if it's not as good a quality as the PC, then it might not be a savings! :cool:

Jim Becker
06-29-2004, 10:17 AM
Honestly, John, I can't see any difference between the Accuset Pinner I own and the Senco pinner currently offered...it seems to be the one tool that they kept from the "red and black" brand when they discontinued the big-A.

As to Senco quality, they do have some less expensive offerings that are, shall we say, not up to the stuff that their better tools are. The "free" brad nailer I got with my framing gun is a good example. The nose is not as refined as my Accuset and it's a bit touchy sometimes to get it to shoot. The first one was really bad, but Coastal cheerfully replaced it (at no cost to me including shipping both ways even though it was a free tool) immediately after actually calling me on the phone to find out how they could help. If this were my only brad nailer, I'd be unhappy. But it's just a spare which provides a convenient way to avoid changing fasteners during certain projects that use more than one size during "concurrent" assembly activities.

John Gregory
06-29-2004, 1:23 PM
I purchased the PC pin nailer for about $125. I don't recall where tho. I love it. We use it more than I thought we would. The uses have been pretty well stated in previous replies. I would highly recommend this product.

Bob Marino
06-29-2004, 6:18 PM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas]"Omer"??? :confused: Que pasa, "Omer"? OK, new one on me! Guess I'll have to do some searching on this one! :) Thanks guys! :D
Hi John,

Here ya go. And no the Omer doesn't come with that grey...er...ahm....case. ;)

<IMG SRC="http://home.eduhi.at/user/holzwerkstatt/index.htm/pictures.htm/Bob/Internet/nailer.JPG">

Cecil Arnold
06-29-2004, 7:47 PM
FWIW I voted for the number 5 (okay I'm playing with the Sinco [cinco]) and have been happy with it. I think in this range you are looking about as much at brand loyalty as quality. You can get a dud from either PC or Sinco, but overall I think they are both good values.

Chris Padilla
06-29-2004, 8:38 PM
Bob...that is too pretty to use and I just LOVE the case!! :)

Bob Marino
06-29-2004, 8:48 PM
Bob...that is too pretty to use and I just LOVE the case!! :)

Yes, and especially the non flimsy insert :D .


Greg Heppeard
06-29-2004, 9:25 PM
OK, for you Omer owners: Do you *have* to purchase their specific brads or will others fit? :confused: I note that their refills are pricey, as well. Secondly, which one did you go for? There's the one with the shorter capacity and one which will go 1+".

And for Greg, have you noted any trend in the PC's coming back for repair or such? :confused: I currently have an Accuset brad nailer and stapler and, they've both been serving me well, though I've seen somewhere that, Senco has supposedly "cheapened" them up some. (Can't verify that, so take it with a grain of salt!) :cool:

Accuset used to be the lower end (home repair) line for Senco...they dropped the line and are now using another way to target that market...I didn't bite at my store because I want to sell quality. I own the PC brad nailer and it is serving me well, I've had it for almost a year and haven't had to replace the driver yet. I've seen the Senco go thru a couple of drivers a year in the same use situation. I can't comment on the pinner because I don't own one. I haven't had any of them that we have sold in the last couple of years come back for problems, I have had them come back because of duplication of gifts for a couple of customers (I would have kept them and loaded different length pins in them and painted the handles lol). Just remember to keep them oiled and they will serve you well. :D

Dave Malen
06-29-2004, 10:09 PM
I've owned the senco 23 gauge pin nailer for about a year. It's a great tool for the price. I think the main difference between the PC and the senco is that the PC can accept different sized pins without setting the pinner. With the Senco you must adjust it for different sized pins.


Greg Narozniak
06-30-2004, 2:34 PM
I purchased a Senco Pinner @ the NJ WW show back in January. ( Actually bought it from Jim Senco ) Been very happen with it. Haven't shot my self yet :D The PC felt cheap to me IMHO.

John Miliunas
07-01-2004, 10:45 PM
Once again, thanks to ALL who were kind enough to contribute their views, opinions, observations and experiences. I would love to go for the Omer, but I just plain old don't see myself using it THAT much. I think the jury may still be out on the present day Senco performance/quality, plus I like the idea of the PC automatically adjusting for pin length. I figured $150.00 isn't too much to spend on a specialty nailer. BUT, as luck would have it, I was cruising the posts this evening and reading through the Bessey/Jorgie clamp thread and thought of my Gross Stabils again. Huh? What's that got to do with a pinner? :confused: Simple. I got my GS clamps at All Pro Tools, on one of their specials and thought I'd check current pricing. When I got there, I found they have the PC pinner for around $126.00 or so BUT, they're also on "special" right now for $116.00! :D Even with S/H, it still only comes out to a touch over $125.00, so I pulled the trigger on it! :) Guess I will now have the opportunity to make my own evaluation of it! Thanks again, gents! :cool:

Mark Singer
07-01-2004, 10:55 PM
Must be tax refund time...or?

Dale Thompson
07-01-2004, 11:10 PM
Hey Spring,
i leeve fer a cupl uv dazs an u go offen da planit on hi-teknologie gadgits. Fer a cheezehed, i wunder bout yer smartz?? R youse runnin fer govner or what? Ifen youse iz wantin to drive pins, youse kin jis git 1 uv dem dere ball pin hamers. :cool: How simpel can it git?? :rolleyes:

i kant left youse out uv my site fer evin 1 sekund!! ;) :)

Dale T.

John Miliunas
07-01-2004, 11:19 PM
Must be tax refund time...or?

Oh, come on....$125.00 wouldn't even break Peshtigo's bank! :D :cool:

John Miliunas
07-01-2004, 11:26 PM
Ifen youse iz wantin to drive pins, youse kin jis git 1 uv dem dere ball pin hamers. :cool: How simpel can it git?? :rolleyes:

i kant left youse out uv my site fer evin 1 sekund!! ;) :)

Dale T.

Hah! Wrong again, Mr. Hole in One! :eek: You ain't never seen me try to drive nails in by hand! LOML tried to learn me how to do it once, but when I gave it a go, I kept trying to nail them in and just made dents in the wood and bent the nails. She finally explained to me that the sharp end goes down and the ones I was using were meant for the opposite side of the project! :o I gave up and started going to air nailers. Them sticks of nails can only go into the gun one way and I'll be dipped if you can't use them on *either* side of the project! You're right about them hi-teknologie gadgits. Simply wonderful! :D :cool:

Dale Thompson
07-02-2004, 12:01 AM
Hah! Wrong again, Mr. Hole in One! :eek: You ain't never seen me try to drive nails in by hand! LOML tried to learn me how to do it once, but when I gave it a go, I kept trying to nail them in and just made dents in the wood and bent the nails. She finally explained to me that the sharp end goes down and the ones I was using were meant for the opposite side of the project! :o I gave up and started going to air nailers. Them sticks of nails can only go into the gun one way and I'll be dipped if you can't use them on *either* side of the project! You're right about them hi-teknologie gadgits. Simply wonderful! :D :cool:

Hey Spring,
"Drive nails by hand". Hey ,bud, the first thing that you want to do if you are driving nails is: GET YOURSELF A HAMMER!! :D :) It's a lot less painful than using your hand and a LOT quicker!! ;)

Just a thought from a friend.

Dale T.

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 7:56 AM
Hey Spring,
"Drive nails by hand". Hey ,bud, the first thing that you want to do if you are driving nails is: GET YOURSELF A HAMMER!! :D :) It's a lot less painful than using your hand and a LOT quicker!! ;)

Just a thought from a friend.

Dale T.

Yo, Dale...You gots to remember, I'm a bit hand tool impaired. :o If it don't have a tail on it, I'm not exactly sure what I need. :rolleyes: Is this what you had in mind? :confused: :cool:

Greg Heppeard
07-02-2004, 9:16 AM
But you know you're good when you can drive finish nails with the pointy end of that thing. :D :eek:

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 9:20 AM
But you know you're good when you can drive finish nails with the pointy end of that thing. :D :eek:

Got THAT right! Been practicing. Getting pretty good at it, too! :D :cool:

"3-Finger John"

Jim Becker
07-02-2004, 9:22 AM
John, at least you don't need to use that sharp hammer as a jointer anymore, too... ;D

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 9:32 AM
John, at least you don't need to use that sharp hammer as a jointer anymore, too... ;D

Got THAT right, Jim! :D That was getting REAL old! I do have to admit, though, it's kind of neat having a single "hand tool", which is so adaptable to so many different functions! You oughta' see the bowl I made with it! :eek: :cool:

Chris Padilla
07-02-2004, 10:54 AM
Once again, thanks to ALL who were kind enough to contribute their views, opinions, observations and experiences. I would love to go for the Omer, but I just plain old don't see myself using it THAT much. I think the jury may still be out on the present day Senco performance/quality, plus I like the idea of the PC automatically adjusting for pin length. I figured $150.00 isn't too much to spend on a specialty nailer. BUT, as luck would have it, I was cruising the posts this evening and reading through the Bessey/Jorgie clamp thread and thought of my Gross Stabils again. Huh? What's that got to do with a pinner? :confused: Simple. I got my GS clamps at All Pro Tools, on one of their specials and thought I'd check current pricing. When I got there, I found they have the PC pinner for around $126.00 or so BUT, they're also on "special" right now for $116.00! :D Even with S/H, it still only comes out to a touch over $125.00, so I pulled the trigger on it! :) Guess I will now have the opportunity to make my own evaluation of it! Thanks again, gents! :cool:

How about a link? I might just pick one up fer myself!! :D

Mark Singer
07-02-2004, 11:07 AM
Oh, come on....$125.00 wouldn't even break Peshtigo's bank! :D :cool:Lets see....I think I remeber something about a DJ 20...plus pin nailer...bandsaw...tractor....etc etc....
You deserve it ...yes the bandsaw had to be 6 months ago!

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 12:02 PM

How about a link? I might just pick one up fer myself!! :D

Chris, check your PM. :cool: