View Full Version : Segmented turning

Dave Bureau
01-23-2009, 10:54 AM
Where is the best place to get plans to make some segmented bowls. I'm just starting with segmenting and looking for some practice plans.

charlie knighton
01-23-2009, 10:58 AM
try this:


Rusty Smith
01-23-2009, 11:10 AM
Two books I got that have plans and step-by-step instructions are:

"The Art of Segmented Wood Turning: A Step-by-Step Guide" by Malcom Tibbetts

"Segmented Wood Turning" by William Smith

I found both to be very informative and easy to understand.

Bob Way
01-23-2009, 12:00 PM
I would second the book suggestions that have been made. They are among the best. A few other suggestions to look into would be Kurt Theobald's and Malcolm's DVDs, the segmented software sites, and Dale Nish's book Woodturning With Ray Allen. Allen takes a little different approach to the feature rings that is worth consideration. Then, again, a little doodling on some graph paper can turn out some really cool plans as well.

Malcolm Tibbetts
01-23-2009, 12:45 PM
Dave, one of the joys of doing segmented work is the satisfaction of designing your own project. Using someone else's "step by step" instructions is sort of like "paint by numbers"; it's not nearly as rewarding. Regarding my own book and my DVDs, I intentional minimized "step by step" instruction; instead, I tried to share the required designing and building techniques and "methods of work". Once you know the basic design techniques, as Bob stated, a little doodling on graph paper can easily create the blueprint information that you need in order to create very complex segmented turnings. Good luck and have fun.

Mark Patoka
01-23-2009, 1:41 PM
Just doing a quick Google search found these:



David Walser
01-23-2009, 2:46 PM
Another option:
Bowl Plans Book

This handy workbook includes all 10 segmented bowl plans by Bud Latven including southwestern and contemporary designs.

http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Segmented_Turning___Instruction___Bowl_Plans_Book_ __bowl_plans_book?Args=

This is NOT a recommendation. I've not seen or used the book. I just knew it was available.

I DO recommend Malcolms book. That one I have and have read. It's a great resource.

Dave Bureau
01-23-2009, 3:20 PM
Thanks for all the replies. this should keep me busy for a while. Some very interesting stuff in these links