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Waymon Campbell
06-28-2004, 9:18 PM
Just received my new USModular QuikDisk from http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10362977&loc=101&spf=1&sp=1 (no affiliation), and thought I would share. This thing is sweet :) Its a 2.2GB (thats right, GB) CompactFlash II compatible micro drive. It works in my PocketPC and in my digital camera. But what separates it from the other flash media is that it isn't flash, its a micro drive with spinning platters. And it is fast, far faster that my 384MB Ultra CF II card. The other unique thing about this (other than capacity), is that it is housed in a a USB 2.0 dongle that can be used for transferring files from PC to PC. I originally bought it be to transfer files from my home PC to my church PC. I make video announcement loops using Microsoft Movie Maker and some of the resulting files and source files are larger than a single CD.

This thing is way cool :D :D :D

Jim Becker
06-28-2004, 9:25 PM
Pretty amazing stuff, eh? 2.2gb is slick...I've only seen them at 1gb. The dual-use (USB + Compact Flash) is nice, too.

Waymon Campbell
06-28-2004, 9:38 PM
Pretty amazing stuff, eh? 2.2gb is slick...I've only seen them at 1gb. The dual-use (USB + Compact Flash) is nice, too.

Jim - Didn't you recently buy a Nikon D70? How 'bout a quick review of likes / dislikes? I am in the market for a new digital camera. I currently have an Epson PhotoPC 3.2 megapixel and am looking at either a 6 or 8 megapixel to replace it.

Jim Becker
06-28-2004, 9:44 PM
Yes, I've had the D70 for about a month and a half now. One word: Awesome. The revew at DP Reviews (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/) made my decision easy. I have a thread out there with the word "hogs" in it...there was a lot of banter on cameras there as well as some great pics from a bunch of folks who have pro-sumer digital SLRs or better. I'm really head-over-heels about having a digital camera that I can see through the lense, change the lense, take great pictures without that annoying delay and have battery life that is nothing short of amazing. I can't see needing to buy another camera for a very, very, very long time! In fact, the D70 is more twice the camera that my film SLR is in features, etc.

Waymon Campbell
06-28-2004, 9:52 PM
Yes, I've had the D70 for about a month and a half now. One word: Awesome. The revew at DP Reviews (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/) made my decision easy.

Yeah Jim, I've been there and read the review, as well as the one over at www.steves-digicams.com. Have you experienced any of the moire effects that both sites mention?

Jim Becker
06-28-2004, 9:54 PM
I've had no image issues, but then again, I might not notice something that a real pro would with an experienced eye.

Todd Burch
06-28-2004, 10:30 PM
Jim, I too read the reviews at DP reviews. The only problem I had is that I didn't stop at the review of the D70. I read the D2H review too. Ugg - $3200. I'll have to clean out the attic and post more stuff on ebay I guess.

Don Abele
06-28-2004, 10:52 PM
About 6 months ago, I decided to upgrade the Sony digital camera I had (CD-1000) and my SLR by combining them. To that point I still used both, using the SLR when I wanted to be creative. I hooked up with a couple of local Navy Photographers who work in public affairs and talked to them about their equipment and even got to borrow it for a while.

I tested the Canon 10D and 300D/D-Rebel which are very similar pro-sumer models but also got to play with the Canon 1Ds ($5000) and Nikon D1H ($4000). While I LOVED the 1Ds (more so than the D1H), ultimately it came down to what I would really use and I wound up with the D-Rebel (I didn't want to wait for the Nikon D70). I have shot over a 1000 photos since then and absolutely love it. I bought a 1GB SanDisk Ultra II compact flash and love it. I'd steer clear of the package deal with the attached lens, it's crap. Save the $100 and upgrade to a better one.

Digital photography has come a long way, and as Jim said, I think my current camera will hold me for quite a while. The lenses I bought are the best and are interchangable with any other Canon system (digital or film), which helps with potential later upgrades.

Glenn Clabo
06-29-2004, 9:40 AM
Yes Waymon these things have awesome storage capability. However, I shy away from that much storage and things that are so mechanical sensitive. I use my equipment in every situation...and it scares me to think about losing that much data with one fumble of the disk or camera. Just my take...but I carry 3 256K disks that have never failed me.

Don...DR. LOML is deciding on a 10D or the Rebel...It looks like all she wants is the Rebel.

Don Abele
06-29-2004, 6:36 PM
Glenn, here's a link to a pretty good comparison site: http://www.photo.net/equipment/canon/10dvs300d.html for the 10D and Rebel. The 10D most certainly has a more Pro feel and some extra features the Rebel does not. But when it came down to brass tacks, they were not enough to justify the almost double price for the 10D. Compare and see if those extras are something she could not live without. I personally love my D-Rebel and would highly recommend it.