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View Full Version : Cherry Bowl W/Pics

Jason Tuinstra
01-23-2009, 1:45 AM
I've never turned a bowl before and have always wanted to give it a shot. I had a scrap of 8/4 cherry ready for the bin so I thought I'd try making a bowl with it. So after dinner my 10 year old son and I threw it on the lathe and gave it a shot. I'm not set up to turn bowls, but after we figured out how we could do it, here's what we came up with. I'm sure it violates every rule for turning a bowl and there's some sanding marks that didn't totally make it out, but it was signed "To Mom. Love Nathanael" so how can you go wrong? Mom's already made an order for more! Anyway, we had fun. If you've never tried turning a bowl, give it a shot! I'm used to having sawdust in the shop. I'm not used to wearing 90% it ;):p:D

Dewey Torres
01-23-2009, 1:52 AM
You may be aware that I am about to start turning maybe this weekend. I sure hope my first bowl turns out half as good!

Ed Sallee
01-23-2009, 5:41 AM
Very nice.... I'm sure it matches beautifully with your "cabinet table"...

Don Bullock
01-23-2009, 7:42 AM
Jason, you continue to amaze me!:eek: I've done quite a bit of turning, but never tried a bowel. You go out and and turn a beautiful one on your first try. Wow, what talent! Again you've inspired me to try something new. As soon as I can afford a lathe again I'll see if I can come close to your first try.

BTW -- As someone who just retired from 37 years in elementary school classrooms teaching students about your son's age, I thank you. Spending quality time like that and teaching him some skills and the love of art is one of the best things you can do as a parent. Unfortunately in today's society it's rare to find a father who will spend such "high quality" time with his children.

John Keeton
01-23-2009, 8:21 AM
Perfect proportions! That piece just looks naturally comfortable.

Jason, that really takes more than just woodworking ability, it takes an inherent artistic talent. There is a real difference. I see people that can execute fine joinery, and finish a piece beautifully, but when one looks at it - something just isnt' right.

You are gifted with both woodworking ability and artistic talent. I am also sure that you are overwhelmingly thankful for those gifts.

Brian Effinger
01-23-2009, 11:15 AM
I'm used to having sawdust in the shop. I'm not used to wearing 90% it ;):p:D

Hehehe, turning will do that to you. I think the vortex has claimed some more victims ;)

That is a beautifully elegant bowl, John & Nathanael. I don't think you violated any rules. What is the diameter of the bowl and what finish did you use? The cherry has some great color. :)


Larry Fox
01-23-2009, 11:41 AM
Jason, excellent work as usual. I don't know if it violates and bowl-making rules (are there any) but it meets my criteria for being a success which is that it turned out as a wonderful piece.

I know your ministry work and family keep you busy, but have you ever thought about teaching this stuff? You definitely have a gift.

CW McClellan
01-23-2009, 11:59 AM
Dewey--Quiet the Vortex is claming a nother victum

Ken Fitzgerald
01-23-2009, 12:05 PM

Very nicely done Sir! Tell your son he obviously inherited some of his Dad's talents! Very nicely done!

Mark Valsi
01-23-2009, 12:19 PM
nice job. I'm afraid to try anything on a lathe! it is ADDICTIVE !!!!

Dennis Hook
01-23-2009, 5:16 PM
Hi Jason,
Nice work for a quick last minute project. The bowl is very elegant in form and your cabinet in the other post is just a pleasing to the eye. I also check out your web site, which has the same simplistic cham that shows in your work. You have a true gifting. Keep letting it shine.

Cody Colston
01-23-2009, 6:17 PM
That bowl is geat, Jason. I turned a couple of Cedar bowls a while back that had nearly that exact shape with the foot being almost a pedestal. Very appealing look.

You better be careful, though. You are so good at flat work that it would almost be a shame if the vortex claimed you and your tablesaw became just a place to store turning blanks! :eek:

John Thompson
01-23-2009, 6:59 PM
Excellent results....


Roger Myers
01-23-2009, 6:59 PM
Great first bowl, and even better story of working with your 10 year old and giving mother a bowl that is perfect!!
Doesn't get any better than this!!

Jason Tuinstra
01-23-2009, 7:24 PM
Hey, thanks everyone! Yea, the vortex might have struck! Guess what I get to do after dinner again tonight? :D:p The other kids have seen the results and are jealous to get in on the act. Looks like the shop stays a disaster for a bit longer. Did I mention how much sawdust you produce doing this work? Can't the vortex suck in just the sawdust and leave me alone :p:D:)

Jason Tuinstra
01-23-2009, 7:36 PM
What is the diameter of the bowl and what finish did you use?

Brian: Sorry, I forgot that answer your question. The bowl is 6 3/4" wide and 2" high. We just used some BLO followed by some wipe-on poly.

Jim Becker
01-23-2009, 9:02 PM
I am thinking that there are suddenly going to be a lot of very nice "accessories" adorning your wonderful furniture. (Welcome to the "vortex", Jason and Nathanael!)

Tom Hamilton
01-23-2009, 9:24 PM
Welcome, Jason, to the wonderful world of turning. That is a beautiful first piece, and more importantly, a wonderful memory for you and your son.

I expect we'll see a Tuinstra piece in the next Hanford charity auction!

Congratulations on joining the turning team. The VORTEX wins again!

Tom, in Houston, waiting on the day Jason discovers Pen turning!

Brian Effinger
01-23-2009, 9:38 PM
Can't the vortex suck in just the sawdust and leave me alone :p:D:)
Nope. It's physically impossible. To be able to suck you in, it has to blow out shavings and sawdust. Something like...for every action an equal and opposite reaction. That sort of thing :p

And thanks for the added info. The BLO really makes the cherry rich and inviting.

Alan Huey
01-27-2009, 1:58 AM
Really nice work. I bet you're now hooked. And what a great way to spend time with your son. That is by far the best part. Both of my boys grew up helping me be a 'do it yourselfer' and along the way learned some pretty good life skills.
BTW, we lived in Hanford for 25 years before moving to Monterey.

Steve Schlumpf
01-27-2009, 12:43 PM
Very nice looking bowl Jason! Love working with cherry and you guys really brought out the best in this piece! Please pass on to your son that he did a great job on the bowl! I look forward to seeing more of your turnings real soon - but please - start posting them over in the Turners Forum so we all can appreciate them!

Jason Tuinstra
01-27-2009, 2:00 PM
Thanks guys! Yea, every day now the boys come home from school and want to know if we can turn some bowls. We've managed to churn out three more. There's a bit more "instant gratification" in turning. Maybe that's why it's so fun. The boys love using the face shield as well :p:D

Gary Herrmann
01-27-2009, 6:49 PM
That bowl doesn't violate any rules I know of. I like the form. Excellent job, especially for a first.

Be careful of the vortex though. It's hard to get out once you're in.