View Full Version : The no sale mini

Jeff Nicol
01-22-2009, 6:37 PM
Hey all, I have been trying to sell this little guy for a while and it was letting me down. So I decided to spruce it up with a finial top instead of just a little seed pot. The finial is hard maple with sharpie ink for the ebonizing. The base is acrylic pen blank. I think it looks much better!

What do you think?


David Walser
01-22-2009, 6:41 PM
I like it very much. I hope the dime is there to indicate size and not price!

Stan Cook
01-22-2009, 6:52 PM
I think you have a winner.

Jeff Nicol
01-22-2009, 7:09 PM
If I forget to put the dime in the picture and list in on e-bay the buyers think it is bigger! Did that once and got all kinds of questions to its dimensions. When I edited the auction to the mini with the dime the watchers disappeared!


Leo Van Der Loo
01-22-2009, 7:26 PM
Jeff it might look too much like plastic, to the public.

Ron Lynch
01-22-2009, 8:52 PM
So, what kind of microscope do you use? Myself, I have a hard time seeing the dime. Just don't see how you can turn out work so small and so well done. Kudos

Jim Kountz
01-22-2009, 8:57 PM
Jeff, I cant even imagine how you see to do that. Its an amazing piece though!!

David Drickhamer
01-22-2009, 9:59 PM
Nice work Jeff. I like it a lot. Oh by the way, you did hollow it out right? :D:D:D

Peter Lamb
01-22-2009, 10:32 PM
Finial makes it beautiful!! Especially since it is now a real minature.

Rick Prosser
01-23-2009, 12:22 AM
The finial makes a huge difference. I can't imagine how to do such small work so well - amazing!

Dewey Torres
01-23-2009, 12:29 AM
You do this with magnification right?

Jeff Nicol
01-23-2009, 6:14 AM
Thanks for all the great comments! I have made 10 or 12 other pieces out of this same material and they all sold with out a problem. It looks so much like turquoise that most were in a southwest style. This little guy was a hunk left over from another mini so I made the little pot. It is fully hollow and so far I don't need to use any magnification. Soon it will get there, I just keep the working area lit real well. It will go on e-bay today some time so I will see what happens. If not, well it will go in my wifes collection.


Bernie Weishapl
01-23-2009, 11:00 AM
Great work Jeff. Really spruced it up.