View Full Version : a combination post (pens and scrap wood)

Rob Littleton
06-28-2004, 5:47 PM
Got to clear a "space" this weekend in the garage where I can actually operate my lathe. I only have one power point where I am situated but that helps me get my fix :-)

I got the bandsaw,lathe,fan,vacuum,drill press and hand drill all plugged into one outlet. OBVIOUSLY I only use one tool at a time else KAPPUT!!!!!

Anyways, a couple of pens I turned today. The patriot pen is from Antler and the other pen is from a piece of wood that had P.W written on it. This is the kind of wood it is coz I wrote the letters on it BUT I forget what that stood for.

Also, there is a truck picture and a bear picture attached.

The truck door and the bear are made of the same type of wood. It is pallet wood that was used to ship marble into the US from India. I have NO idea what kind of wood it is but hard and pretty.

Thanks for looking and if you can fill in the blanks, I'd appreciate it.


Chris Padilla
06-28-2004, 6:04 PM
Look nice, Rob...glad to see back on the wagon again...you were getting downright un-bear-able! hahahahahaha.....

Turn a pen from that Macassar Ebony I gave you...should turn out real purty.

Rob Littleton
06-28-2004, 6:55 PM
i aint done the wood you gave me yet but it is in line.

By the way, that wood was marked P.B not P.W as stated before....


John Shuk
06-28-2004, 9:06 PM
Look nice, Rob...glad to see back on the wagon again...you were getting downright un-bear-able! hahahahahaha.....

Turn a pen from that Macassar Ebony I gave you...should turn out real purty.
The pieces are alot better than the puns flying around here.

Jim Becker
06-28-2004, 10:33 PM
Great job, Rob. I'm glad you have at least a temporary shop up and running...but you can do a lot with one plug and a little time to enjoy the electron flow!

Tom Sweeney
07-05-2004, 12:30 PM
I don't know what wood the pen is - but it looks great -so do the bear & truck - very cool! I'm in the same boat as you are. I took one of my 2 garages & put a new roof on & ran a new electric service to it -for my shop. It's a 2 car garage but less than half of it is dedicated to my WW'ing. I only have the one GFI duplex outlet that is required by code so far. I run an extension chord to my lathe & everything else is used close to the outlet. It works fine till I get the $$ to wire the whole shop. As long as you have enough space & electrons to get your WW'ing fix it's good enough.

Rob Littleton
07-05-2004, 12:54 PM
the wooden pen is osage orange.........

Michael Ballent
07-05-2004, 1:44 PM
Nice looking stuff you have there :D.... Ya know that Phil Brennion lives in the Prescott area in Chino Valley I believe.. You know the spinny thing expert from Wood magazine. He did the Lathe reviews for them.

John Olson
07-06-2004, 12:08 AM
More pens ,love the look. I only have one plug also. I have tried to hire two different people to put more plugs in the shop. Both fell through. So here I am again with just one out let.
So all us one plug workers should form a club.

John Bussom
07-06-2004, 12:29 AM
Very nice job on the pens, Rob! Is the antler hard to make pens with?

Well I only have a small 1 car garage also that I took over for my shop but I do have dedicated outlers for all the big stuff and quite a few extras for smaller tools!

I seem to have run out of space though and have a problem leaving things plugged in but I'll set it on the wrrong table then the next time I wiggle through that way I get to jump over the cord, seem to always pick a time to go that way when my hands are loaded.
