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View Full Version : Alternatives to Acrylic?

Will Sinnott
01-22-2009, 10:41 AM
I work at a sign shop that has had an Epliog 45 watt laser for a little over a year now. Our most common use for this machine is acrylic cutting, particularly for letters so we can avoid having to go to a supplier. A lot of these letters tend to be very thick...1/2".

In this current economy, I've been tasked w/ finding cheaper alternatives to things. Does anyone have any recommendations for a laserable plastic or combination of laserable substrates to get thick letters?

Obviously we can't do PVCs a la Komatex or Sintra or foam, but is there some other plastic or out there that can be lasered other than acrylic or Rowmark? I've tried polycarb but just get the tarry, charred edges.

Thanks in advance for the help...while I've never had the need to post before, as a self taught operator of this machine, I do often read this forum & get a lot of ideas!!!

Joe Pelonio
01-22-2009, 11:05 AM
For acrylic letters, especially if they will be painted, the less expensive acrylic coming from Indonesia will help keep the cost down, if you can find it locally. If you search I posted about it a while back. Not the same quality for engraving or nice smooth glossy edges.

You can cut letters with the high density insulating foam sold at the borgs, which comes in 1/2". Try a sheet and see how it works for you, it's a lot less expensive. The only problem with it is that when mounted outdoors, birds will peck at it for nesting material.

Other plastics such as ABS and Styrene may cost less but in over 1/4" do not cut nearly as well as acrylic. I have done low-budget letters with 3/8" MDF, which took two passes but came out fine. For outdoors you will have to prime and paint both sides and edges.

There's nothing like acrylic though, I'd try to stick to it and tell them how much longer it will last.

Will Sinnott
01-27-2009, 10:28 AM
Thanks for the help! I'll check those alternatives out!