View Full Version : Turquoise inlay desktop completed

travis howe
01-22-2009, 10:38 AM
Went with simply filling the cracks on this one, no "designs". I would have done a few things different but I like the way it's looking. It's 24"x8'. I will be adding a oak trim around the entire piece soon.

Comments, suggestions?


Dewey Torres
01-22-2009, 3:29 PM
Looks great Travis. You have done enough by now to have gotten the hang of it. Fun huh?

Chris Padilla
01-22-2009, 3:32 PM
I suggest you post MORE PICS of this!!! :D

Gene Howe
01-22-2009, 5:50 PM
That is very, very nice, Travis.

Gene Howe....No relation....probably:D

Don Bullock
01-22-2009, 7:11 PM
Travis, that looks fantastic. Thanks for posting the pictures.

Dewey posted a tutorial on SMC recently on how he does turquoise inlay. Yesterday I found some book matched 4/4 walnut boards that I plan to use for the sides of a tall case clock. Both boards have a spot in a knot that will require something to fill a void. Turquoise may just be the best way to go.

travis howe
01-22-2009, 7:15 PM
Thanks all.

Dewey - Yeah, it wasn't too bad. I used the inlace product and added some of the larger pieces they sell as well. Used the dremel to remove additional materials in the smaller / shallow cracks. For sure next time I will make more of an effort to not leave as much above the surface, there was a LOT of cleanup work.

Chris - I'll post some more as it becomes more than a slab.;)

Gene - Who knows... My closest relatives are in South Dakota but I know there are also a lot of folks in WA and out east, I believe PA area.


travis howe
01-22-2009, 7:20 PM
Yep... Dewey's instructions came from my asking about this project in fact.:p Sr. is awesome for sure!

I used the inlace, purchased from inlace.com
I've never had an order ship that fast!

Depending on your wood, they have some other colors that are really cool too. If it were up to me I would have used the one call Scott I believe, it's a dark red and black...but this was for the wife.

Dewey Torres
01-23-2009, 1:15 AM
Thanks for the complements and Don for the plug. Travis, you finally posted some pics great! Keep them coming.

I just tried some more (different stone materials and will probably stick them in my album. I have started a album called inlay examples. Some are real projects and other are just tests and mock ups. It still has a lot of work and I have many more pics to add yet. Projects are backing up on me!