View Full Version : Another grain orientation question

Jimmy Williams
01-21-2009, 8:31 AM
I have been commissioned by my brother to build a display/holder for his two military sabers. One is from his wedding and one was given to him and signed by the company he commanded while in Iraq.

I have come up with the following holder as part of the display that will hold the saber. The rabbet will slide through a hole in the top and the groove will fit over a support "rib" under the top. The attached picture doesn't have the sides showing but the finished display will have an apron that goes all the way around hiding the ribs.

The holder will be removable as he is still in the Army and Army movers are not the most careful when moving stuff.

I need to know which way the grain should run on the actual holder. I have labeled the picture with A (vertical), B (horizontal), or C (diagonal).

Thanks for your help and advice

Tim Thomas
01-21-2009, 8:44 AM
I would go with (C) the diagonal grain direction. I think you will be much less likely to get a break on the short grain areas if you do that, particularly for the "hook" part on the front of the holder. If I can make one other suggestion: If you are worried about the holder parts possibly breaking in a move, go ahead and make 4 of those parts instead of 2. It won't add much time to the project and if something ever does happen to the holders your brother will have spares to swap it out. It will be a lot easier to make pieces that have a matching finish and grain pattern now than it would be several years down the road.

I think that is going to be a very nice project when you get it finished. Please post back with pictures when you are done.

Bill Huber
01-21-2009, 8:46 AM
I am not really sure but I would like to make an opinion and see how the others think.
I think the best would be C.

A. you would have very little support and the top outer most part.
B. you would have very little support in the middle.

I also think it would make a big difference in the wood you use.

Bill Keehn
01-21-2009, 9:31 AM
Have you considered making your own hardwood plywood? Resaw the stock and glue up 5 to 7 layers with alternating grain direction. That way you will have the strength where you need it. Then you will have uniform strength throughout.

Jimmy Williams
01-21-2009, 9:48 AM
I also think it would make a big difference in the wood you use.

Well that is yet to be determined. He wants the display to be dark. I originally thought of using walnut but I think the price of 8/4 stock plus all of the 4/4 stock I'll need (the top of the display will be 42" long) would start getting rather expensive. I am also looking at Ash or Alder with a dark Java gel stain. I haven't calculated the total board feet yet so I can't really make a decission on the wood. I agree though, the wood selection will play a big part.