View Full Version : 2009 Desert Woodturning Roundup update

David Walser
01-18-2009, 2:23 PM
At yesterday's Arizona Woodturning Association meeting, I learned some things about the 2009 DWR that will be held this February 6-8 in Mesa, Arizona. I'm sharing this for those of you who are on the fence about whether to come or not:

* The January 30th registration deadline is fast approaching. Your registration must be received by this date (either online or by mail) or you will not receive food tickets, t-shirt, and materials binder, with your registration. You can still attend; you just won't receive the two lunches, banquet dinner, t-shirt, and binder. The reason for the deadline is that a headcount must be given to the caterer and other vendors.

* The DWR is still below break-even. The DWR needs about 30 more paid registrants to cover all its costs for 2009. While it shouldn't affect your decision on whether to come or not, wouldn't you feel good knowing you helped put the DWR over the top? In October, registrations were ahead of pace for the two prior roundups. Then registrations quit coming in.

* Great food! The 2006 DWR had fantastic food for its banquet and lunches. The 2007 DWR's food was not so good. (Think scout camp.) I'm told the 2009 DWR's food will rival the food from 2006.

* The weather! The forecast high in Mesa, Arizona, today is 77 degrees. What's it like in your neck of the woods?

* Great demonstrators, vendors, and instant gallery. The 2009 DWR has 9 outstanding demonstrators. Each demonstrator will be demonstrating on more than one topic, making it impossible for you to see every demonstration. But don't worry, your materials binder (assuming you registered before the January 30th deadline) will contain all the handouts from all the demonstrations! In addition, the DWR has a slate of national, regional, and local vendors who will booths to show off their wares. The DWR attracts turners from Florida to Alaska, making the instant gallery outstanding.

To learn more: http://www.desertwoodturningroundup.com/

Note: This year I've no official capacity with the DWR. I'm just passing along information I gathered at yesterday's meeting of the Arizona Woodturners Association (which sponsors the DWR). Hope to see you there!

Martin Braun
01-19-2009, 11:27 PM
Another thing to note is this year we have SOLD OUT the vendor's area. It seems many vendor's are ready to unload their inventory at discount.

Also, if you are into turning pens, the IPA is having a meeting Friday night, with three demos going on simultaneously.

David Walser
01-20-2009, 12:03 AM
Another thing to note is this year we have SOLD OUT the vendor's area. It seems many vendor's are ready to unload their inventory at discount.

Also, if you are into turning pens, the IPA is having a meeting Friday night, with three demos going on simultaneously.

Martin, if I recall correctly, aren't the vendor area and the pen turning demos open to the public?

Bill Wyko
01-20-2009, 12:14 AM
I'll contact them tomorrow for more details. Thanks.

Martin Braun
01-22-2009, 12:50 AM
Yes, the penturner's demo, the instant gallery, and the vendor's area are all open to the public.