View Full Version : Bowling Pin Woodworker's Mallet

Frank Townend
01-18-2009, 11:08 AM
Based on an idea from Larry Marley's Web Site (http://marleyturned.com/id124.htm), and E-mails back and forth, I decided to see if I could turn a Carver's/Woodworker's Mallet from a Bowling Pin.I bought a couple of Bowling Pins from eBay, but was told later you may get them free from a local alley.

I started out by driving a dowel into the bottom hole for my spur center, then made parallel cuts through the plastic shell with a parting tool. With face shield on, I used a roughing gouge to "flip" off the bands of plastic shell.

Here are a number of plastic shell "rings". I held the roughing gouge tightly against the tool rest and they popped off rather quickly.

As I turned a tenon for my chuck, I cut it deep enough to release the plastic foot. Here is the foot ring, it pops right off. Had I known simply removing enough wood to release the foot would create a nice tenon, I would have followed that path.

Here I have marked the bowling pin with one inch lines to aid layout of the mallet.

Here it is in the chuck, ready to turn to shape.

The mallet, starting to take shape.

Shaping the handle.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3519/3205876965_e6af2b8821_m.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3119/3205877287_6f1481496f_m.jpg
After getting the shape I was pleased with, I used my Ci1 Easy Rougher (http://www.easywoodtools.com/ci1.htm) to prepare to part the mallet from the lathe.

And here is the finished mallet, ready for some serious woodworking.

Norm Zax
01-18-2009, 11:29 AM
Nice and smooth!

Steve Schlumpf
01-18-2009, 11:58 AM
Nice looking mallet! Thanks for sharing the process! Never thought of bowling pins before!

George Clark
01-18-2009, 12:08 PM

Really neat idea. Something I will try, myself. Thanks for sharing.


Frank Townend
01-18-2009, 12:35 PM
Thank you guys! I found Larry Marley to be of invaluable help.
I'll add a couple of observations:

Some of the glue joints want to separate in the process of turning, I used CA glue and they seem to be holding together nicely.
Larry said a couple of pins he turned were "hollow", as is the case here. Not shown in the picture, and something I will fix later, is a two inch deep hollow 1/8" inside the bottom and about 1/4" inside from the sides.

Worst case the striking body will be 2 1/2" long after I turn off the hollow. I could turn a plug, or even use lead, etc. for weight, but because this is a prototype, I may just turn it off.

Jeff Nicol
01-18-2009, 1:11 PM
Frank, A buddy of mine's brother runs a bowling alley near by and he gives me pins and bowling balls when he gets a bunch of culls. I was going to use the pins as targets but the mallet is a better idea!

Great tip!


Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 1:19 PM
Great idea! Looks like it can be use for heavy carving work.

Bernie Weishapl
01-18-2009, 2:42 PM
Great looking mallet and a nice idea.

Frank Townend
01-18-2009, 2:45 PM
Thanks Guys, but let's send Larry the thank you for giving me the idea. Target practice is good, but one heavy duty mallet can come in handy.

Radek Kowalski
01-18-2009, 3:49 PM
The Mallet looks great! So you say go to the bowling lanes and try to get some pins?

Frank Townend
01-18-2009, 3:57 PM
I say go for it Radek! Post pictures when you are done.
Of course ask the manager if he has old pins. I don't want to read about your "accident", caught at the end of the alley with people rolling bowling balls at you.:eek:

Jeff Nicol
01-18-2009, 6:50 PM
Most bowling alleys have junk pins, I am not sure what they do with them but if they get the plastic cracked or the bottom busted they are junk and out they go! Can't hurt to ask, I just happen to have a connection.


Jim Kountz
01-18-2009, 8:16 PM
Well now whodathunkit?? A bowling pin!! Great!!

Frank Townend
01-18-2009, 9:44 PM
Thanks Jeff and Jim. I have two more pins so I'll "perfect" the technique. I should make a bowling pin pepper mill...

michael gallagher
01-20-2009, 1:12 PM
very neat idea! There is a bowling alley not too far from my house.....

Chris Padilla
01-20-2009, 2:16 PM
So they use maple for bowling pins, eh? Maple on the floor...maple in the pins...I think I see a pattern there.

Nice idea!

Frank Townend
01-20-2009, 3:05 PM
Thanks Michael, head on over before the 32,000 other wood turners in your neighborhood beat you to it. :D

Right you are Chris, I guess when you hear someone is planning a bowling alley in your town, start planting Maple trees. ;)

David Walser
01-20-2009, 4:25 PM

Cool mallet. One question, what type of wood is the bowling pin made from? I assume it needs to be hard and heavy -- even though it's coated with plastic.

Chris Huybregts
01-23-2009, 8:55 AM
Work had our christmas party at the "main event" (video game, bowling, laser tag, etc) and after getting spanked bowling, while turning in my shoes, I asked the worker what he did with their bad pins, sure enough, he walked behind the counter and gave me one.

I will be attempting to make a mallet this weekend!

Frank Townend
01-23-2009, 10:09 AM
David it is Maple, glued strips.
Chris, great job scoring a pin! I'm looking forward to your results.

Pat Zabrocki
01-23-2009, 10:28 AM
What a great idea and great job too!! As with others, I'll have to copy this idea. Again, very nicely done!

Chris Huybregts
01-23-2009, 10:51 AM
Hey Frank, I'll definitely post my results! (Week 3 of turning, so, we'll see how good the mallet turns out :)

Frank Townend
01-23-2009, 12:23 PM
Thank you Pat, don't forget to post your results.
I think you will enjoy it Chris.
My posting above is a little abbreviated due to the maximum number of photos allowed per post, but I drove a wooden dowel into the hole at the bottom of the pin so my spur center had something to bite into:


Also take your time getting the rings of plastic off.

Good luck!

Larry Marley
01-23-2009, 10:59 PM
Nice job Frank,
I learned to turn these from Greg Huff of Joplin, MO.

Frank Townend
01-24-2009, 7:26 AM
Thank you Larry and I think you and Greg (http://www.ozarkschoolofcreativearts.com/Inspiration.html) started something.
I think it is a great project for any skill level and it allows the turner to personalize the shape to his or her taste. I am looking forward to seeing how others "turn" out.

Thank you and Thank you Greg!

Dale Bright
01-24-2009, 7:55 AM

Are you going to bring your mallet to Show and Tell at the CAW meeting in Feb.?


Frank Townend
01-24-2009, 8:09 AM
Thanks, as a matter of fact I was planning to do so Dale.
And I thought I would answer the call for Newsletter (http://www.capwoodturners.org/newsletters/20091JANCAWNEWSLETTER.pdf) articles by putting together a little show and tell.
Thanks for asking!