View Full Version : Deep Boring

Tom Storey
01-18-2009, 12:50 AM
I’m going to ask this question on a couple of forums just to get ideas from a broad spectrum of woodturners.
Task: I must drill a hole about 10 inches deep + into dry walnut end-grain to start the hollowing process for an urn. I’ve not done this before and I’m a little apprehensive because, even when drilling pepper mills to a depth of 7 or 8 inches, I’ve had the drill bit drift significantly and that has caused severe binding, not as in constipation...well maybe that too.
What technique do the ‘deep drillers’ of whom I’ll soon be a member, use to bore deep holes into end-grain?
Thanks, Tom

Tom Storey
01-18-2009, 1:26 AM
Wood you knot know it, After I posted, my archive search bore fruit. I now know everything! Unless you have information branching from the main trunk, letuce leaf it alone for now. I'm off to therapy.....
Thanks! Tom