View Full Version : Drill Bit Sharpening

Dean Thomas
01-17-2009, 7:22 PM
Greetings all.

I've been puzzling for a while and finally have remembered to ask while sitting at the computer. I know some of you can identify.

This question is especially for those who love brad-point bits for drilling pen blanks.

Do any of you have experience with the Drill Doctor products?

Have any of you done a direct comparison between a fresh brad point 7mm and one sharpened with the DDr with it's little split point or back-cut feature?

Thanks in advance.

Dennis Peacock
01-17-2009, 7:46 PM
All I know is that I have a DDr and my bits have never cut so well. I'm a satisfied customer. :)

Dean Thomas
01-17-2009, 8:17 PM

When drilling fairly narrow holes over a long distance (like when we drill a 2" hole with a 1/4" or 7mm bit), do you feel like the bits drift less? Most of us have experienced the wandering that can happen with long, skinny drill bits hit hard spots, knots, twisty grain and the like. Do you feel as though this is reduced with DDr treated bits?

Would you be willing to do a head to head trial between a new brad point and a freshly sharpened split point/back-cut bit of the same size?

John Terefenko
01-17-2009, 10:51 PM
Dean, I asked that question a couple days ago and if you scroll down a page or two you will see some of the answers. Hope it helps.

Dean Thomas
01-18-2009, 10:23 PM
Well, John, I scrolled down until early December and did not find it. Sure that you asked it HERE? Maybe you asked it on IAP???

Still curious. Will also email you privately about another topic, though. :)