View Full Version : Drilling for dowels in end grain???

Bill White
01-17-2009, 4:27 PM
Gonna be using dowels instead of M & T for table aprons-to-legs joints. In the past I have had some probs with the bits wandering. Will use brad point drills (3/8") for the dowel holes, and will drill with the drill press.
Are there some tricks I need to know-drill speed-different drill points-hmmmm?

Rick Thom
01-17-2009, 4:41 PM
Hi Bill, I think personally I would prefer a sliding dove tail instead. A biscuit or 2 would be another solution, but again not my favorite. For the dowel solution, I would want to guard against a blow-out cracking the piece when drilling or driving/pressing the dowel home. Maybe secure some hardwood blocks on either side of the members (in a vice or clamped) when drilling and inserting the dowels. It's pretty easy to crack the block if the dowels are a bit snug. I would use a brad point, preferably without too aggressive a cut.

Vince Shriver
01-17-2009, 5:01 PM
I've never experience any problem drilling dowel holes in end-grain. I use an inexpensive jig call "dowel it". There are other, and much more sophisicated, jigs on the market that allow for more versalitility. Whatever you use, a dowel jig really eliminates any problem of a wondering drill bit.

Randy Klein
01-17-2009, 5:44 PM
When I need no wandering drilling, I use this (http://www.woodcraft.com/product.aspx?ProductID=811564&FamilyID=782).


Randall Frey
01-17-2009, 9:30 PM
I think it pretty hard to control a drill bit from wondering in end grain. Do yourself a big favor and get a dowelling jig. It will hold the bit right where you want it. I have used several dowelling jigs and had ok results. I bought the Dowel Max and wow, that thing is very precise, so much so that I use doweling more in my work than before. Good luck.