View Full Version : Thanks for Bandsaw Help + Lot of Tools for Sale

Steve H Graham
01-16-2009, 5:14 PM
Don't delete or move this; I'm not advertising anything.

I bought the Shop Fox W1729 19" saw I posted about earlier. It was not in the "virtually new" condition I expected, but it was in excellent shape. I am sure I could have gotten it for less, but I didn't feel right about going for the jugular when buying from a distressed small business. Thanks for the advice on moving it.

I didn't realize how small a 19" saw was. Having seen 14" saws up close, I figured a 19" saw had to be huge, but it's not much bigger, and it won't take up much more room.

If anyone needs to know for future reference, it fits just fine in a Ford Explorer. The table comes off with four bolts, and you just drop some quilts and slide it in. One person can lift the heavy end, but I had four people shoving and lifting to get it into the vehicle. I put the table in the front seat. Taking the motor off would have made it easier. I may still have to do that, to get it out of the car.

The guy who sold it has a ton of woodworking equipment he needs to sell. And I do mean a ton. Actually, it's more than a ton. He has a trailer full of Shop Fox stuff, and he has a beautiful Powermatic 66 with what are probably 50" rails (couldn't see the whole thing) and an Accufence. He asked my advice, and I told him to join Sawmill Creek and put an ad in the ad section.

He would rather sell this stuff as a lot than break it up. I don't know if you do group buys here, but it occurred to me that if a bunch of you wanted to buy this stuff and have it shipped in a container, you might make out very well. He has a couple of big dust collectors, at least two table saws, a planer that appeared to be around 15", a jointer that was at least 8", a big spindle sander, a molder, and God only knows what else. This is the stuff I saw; it doesn't include the trailer. I also saw a Grizzly 19" bandsaw that was in good shape but lacked some parts.

It was very sad, hearing how people in his warehouse complex were going under. I think it's safe to say we're going to see a lot of tool bargains in 2009.

Steve H Graham
01-16-2009, 5:49 PM
As required by Sawmill Creek regulations, I post a photo of the new bandsaw. Got it into the garage in 25 minutes without rupturing anything really important.

David Christopher
01-16-2009, 6:05 PM
Steve, thats a fine looking bandsaw. I think you made a good choice and will never regret getting the bigger saw.

do you know how much the guy wants for the whole lot and where is he ?

Steve H Graham
01-16-2009, 6:11 PM
I have a number and an email address. I have no idea what he wants, but I can PM the info.

David Christopher
01-16-2009, 6:16 PM
that would be great....... thanks

Steve H Graham
01-16-2009, 6:20 PM
I just emailed him for permission to give you his info. Will PM you as soon as I hear from him.

Bob Slater
01-16-2009, 6:28 PM
I want another Bandsaw! Nice.

Steve Clardy
01-17-2009, 5:15 PM
Got it into the garage in 25 minutes without rupturing anything really important.

Yea. That's the most important thing.....just under the bandsaw gloat.
