View Full Version : Minis for the day!

Jeff Nicol
01-15-2009, 7:09 PM
Good evening fellow Creekers! Today was frigid here in Wi, I really put the wood through the stove to keep the shop warm! So I worked on mini's most of the day and a few larger pieces. So here are the mini's, the pictures are a little dark but I am tired and did not want to redo them! There are two from cherry,one has a rosewood base, the goblet is hard maple, the little jar is red maple bark and deer horn, the short pot is red maple heartwood.

Thanks for looking! THe little ones are fun but a lot of work too!


Steve Schlumpf
01-15-2009, 7:18 PM
Detail lines in miniature hollow forms!!! That's just to much for me to take in! Been freezing here also but managed to turn one hollow form and you could probably fit 200 of those little guys inside of it!

Pretty nice work! Your eyes that good or do you use some sort of magnifier?

Don Carter
01-15-2009, 7:36 PM
Wow! Jeff, all those are great, but the minis are just unbelievable. When I first saw the dime, I immediately thought the pic has been photoshopped! ;)Great job, very cool.

All the best.


David Drickhamer
01-15-2009, 7:49 PM
Very cool Jeff. I love doing little stuff.

Dewey Torres
01-15-2009, 7:52 PM
WOW is that a loose ring around the goblet:eek:?


Custom tools? :confused:

Bernie Weishapl
01-15-2009, 8:13 PM
Those are all great looking pieces Jeff. Very nice on the details.

Barry Stratton
01-15-2009, 8:25 PM
Very, very cool!!!

Chris Rae
01-15-2009, 8:51 PM
WOW, those are great!

Brian Effinger
01-15-2009, 9:59 PM
Wow, you turn the coolest things Jeff. What tools do you use to make those? I assume they are homemade?

Jeff Nicol
01-16-2009, 7:57 AM
Yes it is!! You have to add some whimsy to the little ones! THe captured rings are fun on these little gems but test the patience some!


Jeff Nicol
01-16-2009, 8:11 AM
The tools I use are made from stainless welding rod, hardened trim nail, dental tools and just about anything that will do the job! I love doing them and I have a good customer base so they are money makers for me! THe little goblets are surprisingly easy compared to a larger one, as there is almost no weight hanging out at the end like a bigger one! I did this one to replace one for my wife as I sold the other one! I posted the pics in an earlier post on " Turning deer horns/antlers" so look there for the mini tools. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=94763


Randy Hoch
01-16-2009, 8:18 AM

These are great!

Is that a textured detail band on the far right piece? Or is it just the photograph lighting. It looks like the piece is smooth except inside the confines of the band....


Paul Douglass
01-16-2009, 10:57 AM
That is some beautiful work. I have to ask, what do people do with them?

Jeff Nicol
01-16-2009, 1:27 PM

Yes the one on the right has a couple of small grooves and textured inbetween. I like the way it looks! Thanks for noticing!

Paul, I have a number of ladies all over the U.S. that buy them and put them in dollhouses or miniature rooms diaramas. Many of them are put in shadow boxes and displayed just as the larger ones! Each one is a little work of art and I take as much time on the finished mini's as I do on my larger pieces. I sold a mini made from a pinecone for $61.00 they are all one of a kind! It is like buying 20 little ones for the price of one big one!


Paul Douglass
01-16-2009, 9:22 PM
Jeff, I hope you didn't take offense to the question. It is awesome work you do, I was just curious as to what people do with them. Thanks for the response.

Peter Lamb
01-16-2009, 9:37 PM
Not only great at vs but also great at minis. Thanks for sharing.
Peter L:)

Jeff Nicol
01-16-2009, 10:19 PM
Paul, No offense taken, just giving you the information you asked for! They are a blast and people can get some nice turned art for less money. I know one person who likes to collect them and is trying to get as many different types of wood she can! I am more than happy to help her out! It is also a great way to practice skills on scrap and things that other wise would get thrown out.

Everyone should give them a try!

Have fun!


Jon Lanier
01-16-2009, 11:38 PM
I concur those things are cool! :cool:

Bill O'Conner
01-17-2009, 3:02 AM
would realy like a few more pictures of the mini tools you use little hard to see the tips in the other photo.

Would ask to see your shop up close if I wasn't on the way other side of the state


Jeff Nicol
01-17-2009, 6:31 AM
Bill, Stop in any time you are in Eau Claire I am usually here unless it it Bowhunting time! I will go take some better pics of the ends and show you them.

