View Full Version : What I Bought at the Auction

Boyd Gathwright
06-25-2004, 12:47 AM
What I Bought at the Auction<O:p</O:p

Here is a box lot I paid two dollars ($2) for at an auction the other day. Though this is not a weekly event it does occur on somewhat a regular basis. These events help to defray some of my woodworking costs over the long run. If you notice, there is quite an assortment and range of articles, which may not cover the immediate project at the moment, but covers the future as well. The week or so prior to this, I bought a very nice commercial workbench with storage underneath for electric drills, air guns, sanders, planers, etc. all for about six ($6) bucks and the entire workbench is on wheels. All it needed was a good cleaning by my wife and it was good to go. I present this, AUCTIONS, as an option when the bucks are a little tight. I know it has sure helped out on this end.

A consideration.

Boyd :)

Tyler Howell
06-25-2004, 3:57 AM
He scores!!
I had the adventure of riding 4 hours with a gentleman farmer/engineer that I work with to a project. In addition to WW and world affairs, we discussed how the boomers and yuppies have ruened the farm auctions, driving prices through the ceiling.
Looks like a real winner there Boyd, I'm going to go with you on my first auction.;)

Boyd Gathwright
06-25-2004, 8:40 PM
Hey Tyler,<O:p</O:p

My wife says you’re absolutely right about the boomers and yuppies. They’ve got the money, but they don’t know what the value is. We have seen things go for far more than what you would pay at a store and that does not include any warranty or future comeback. After you go to a couple of auctions, you begin to get a feel for the people on a regular basis. When the bidding is not right, HIGH or LOW, either someone wants something very bad or there is no interest. I personally know why I go to an auction many people do NOT, but want to spend money anyhow. Most likely, so they can feel that they were participants in an event regardless of whether it makes sense later to them or not. Before the bidding starts, you make up your mind what an item is worth to YOU and stick to it during the bidding. There will ALWAYS be another auction without fail I guarantee it. You also have to make up your mind, is this item a NEED or a WANT? So many people WANT without need just because it LOOKS good or nice or neat etc. If I know I am bidding against a person who has a real need (livelihood etc.) chances are I will forgo my bidding. Hey there’s always another auction! After a while at the auctions you pick up a certain amount of regard, and to some extent respect, as people get to know you and your habits. One thing I have always found is to keep your composure. <O:p</O:p

To get wet you got to put your feet in the water.<O:p</O:p

Boyd ;)

He scores!!
I had the adventure of riding 4 hours with a gentleman farmer/engineer that I work with to a project. In addition to WW and world affairs, we discussed how the boomers and yuppies have ruened the farm auctions, driving prices through the ceiling.
Looks like a real winner there Boyd, I'm going to go with you on my first auction.;)

Jim Becker
06-25-2004, 8:52 PM
"All it needed was a good cleaning by my wife and it was good to go."
LOL! And what did that cost you?? :p

Tyler Howell
06-25-2004, 8:58 PM
Boyd, My work partner says they bring that business attitude to the auction "Gotta Win" and mess it up for everyone.
Congrats again.;)

Boyd Gathwright
06-26-2004, 10:36 AM
Hi Jim,

All my wife expected was a sincere "Thank You". :)

Boyd :D

LOL! And what did that cost you?? :p
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Boyd Gathwright
"All it needed was a good cleaning by my wife and it was good to go."
LOL! And what did that cost you?? :p
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Regards and work safely,


"- cut once, curse twice, remember to measure next time..." - Scott Spencer - April 2004
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Bart Leetch
06-26-2004, 1:35 PM
Yep Boyd your right auctions are great provided they are close enough that you can take advantage of them. :)

Unfortunately we don't have any close around here. :(

Boyd Gathwright
06-28-2004, 12:07 AM

I am sure you are probably right, but check in your local paper and especially in your local community paper. Sometimes you get pleasantly surprised by what is going on in your own back yard. Keep your eye out for garage and yard sales and even flea markets and sometimes HAMFESTS. Call ahead and ask what items are for sale. You would be surprised at some of the things we have come across at some of these events. In some cases they go for little to almost nothing, especially where there’s no interest. They just want to get rid of their abundance, almost for free (that’s reasonable and the price is right). Some of these items are better made and or of better quality than what you can buy in the stores and somethings you just can’t buy at any store at any price.

Good hunting and good luck.

Boyd ;)

Yep Boyd your right auctions are great provided they are close enough that you can take advantage of them. :)

Unfortunately we don't have any close around here. :(

James Carmichael
06-28-2004, 10:07 AM
He scores!!
I had the adventure of riding 4 hours with a gentleman farmer/engineer that I work with to a project. In addition to WW and world affairs, we discussed how the boomers and yuppies have ruened the farm auctions, driving prices through the ceiling.
Looks like a real winner there Boyd, I'm going to go with you on my first auction.;)

Hey, being both a boomer and some might say yuppie (although my white collar barely covers up my red neck), I resemble that remark!

I haven't tried any real auctions, but do enjoy flea-marketing and bidding on old tools on Ebay. You are correct, though, about fools and their money. "Bargains on Ebay" is something of an oxymoron. I don't "win" very often, my frugal Scottish genes make that difficult.