View Full Version : Mimosa turning finish

Bruce Stangeby
01-15-2009, 12:07 AM
Do to the ice and snow storms we have had' I have some, mimosa (silk tree) wood. It has a lot of color when wet and I was excited to tun something with it. I still had it on the lathe and took time for lunch. When I got back it had started to dry and most of the color was gone
Is there a finish that will bring back the color that the wet wood had?

Jeff Nicol
01-15-2009, 6:47 AM
Bruce, Most anytime you turn something that is wet a green, the colors will be more vibrant than when dry. Put some naptha or mineral spirits on it to see if the colors pop back out. Just like other woods when the finish is applied the grain and color changes. You may never achieve the fresh cut look as the exposure to the air reacts differently with each wood. Just like mulberry and osage, they are bright yellow when cut but as time passes they will turn very reddish brown.

So just see what happens when it is fully dry and finish is applied that will be what it will look like until the sun and time change it again!

Have fun!
