View Full Version : Have a Goodnight!

Arturo Villegas
01-14-2009, 3:41 AM
Check out my new bed.

What else can you want?

Till tomorrow.

M. A. Espinoza
01-14-2009, 3:54 AM
Under deadline, Arturo?

Been there, work safe.

Bob Vallaster
01-14-2009, 4:53 AM
Is this another way of saying you're sleeping in the doghouse?


Jason White
01-14-2009, 7:48 AM
That shop floor is so clean you could "sleep off of it!!"

Check out my new bed.

What else can you want?

Till tomorrow.

Jim Kountz
01-14-2009, 8:41 AM
And I thought I saved alot of small scraps!!

Craig McCormick
01-14-2009, 8:55 AM
You are a lucky man.


Jack Wilson50
01-14-2009, 2:04 PM
Is that saws all to keep away the boogie man.

Bruce Page
01-14-2009, 2:45 PM
Check out my new bed.

What else can you want?

Till tomorrow.

I have experienced this myself.
You have to run big purchases by SWMBO before you buy them!

Mike Wilkins
01-15-2009, 9:52 AM
Hope you are not a sleepwalker. You might wake up in the middle of the night with a burning desire to cut some dadoes.

Randal Stevenson
01-15-2009, 3:02 PM
That tombstone shaped piece is a little too close for comfort in the first pic.

Chris Padilla
01-15-2009, 3:19 PM
Is that, *gasp*, carpet on the floor?! ;)

John Schreiber
01-15-2009, 3:36 PM
That's quick construction on that bed. Most of my projects take more work.

Really, hope it's good news that you are sleeping on the floor of your shop.

Arturo Villegas
01-16-2009, 5:27 AM
:DLife isint too bad in the shop (does get a little cold at night). I dont see too much of a difference ( I was always in the shop) only at night and now I have to cook for myself. She said I would be happier back there, which for the first time I think she is right!! :eek:

On another note, I know it may sound crazy to you guys but "yes" I do have carpet in my shop.

"yes" I do somethimes cut wood without shoes.
"yes" I do use a regular household vacumm at the end of the day to pick up sawdust.

Its actually not that bad its worked out really good for me and I wouldnt trade it for cold,hard,slippery cement. Once in a year I do clean it water and scrap any paint or glue stains, but thats the worst thing Ive encountered.

John Schreiber
01-16-2009, 10:37 AM
Sorry to hear that it's a conflict that put you on the floor of your shop. I hope things work out for you and that you enjoy the parts of it that you can. A foam pad would help a lot.