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View Full Version : Handmade toys threatened

Mark Elmer
01-14-2009, 12:24 AM
Hi all,

Perhaps you have heard of a pending law that goes into effect in less than a month. When it does it could reach into your pocket if you make items intended for young children.


I contacted my legislators via email through a link at the bottom of their webpage.

Mark Elmer

Belinda Barfield
01-14-2009, 7:57 AM

Thanks so much for posting this. I have a few friends who make things like handmade dolls, etc. I had no idea this legislation was pending, and it will go into effect in only 26 days. I'll definitely be contacting my representatives.

Don Farr
01-14-2009, 8:14 AM
I recently heard some thoughts about this on talk radio. The general consensus was that the agencies that will be in charge of making this happen will be so overwhelmed that they will never be able to enforce this with hobbyist and the like. They just will not have the manpower to check out every flea market and small time shops.

Jim Becker
01-14-2009, 10:06 AM
There is a thread in General Woodworking also addressing this topic. It was put up about a week ago or so.

Scott Shepherd
01-14-2009, 10:25 AM
I probably heard the same interview on talk radio. The sickening part is that if you make different products out of the exact same piece of material, each product has to be certified, not the materials that go in it. So if you had a product line that all used the same pattern material, and you laid it out and cut it all out of the same sheet, then you'd have to have every single product certified and tested, all on the exact same material.

Our government hard at work. No wonder we are where we are. They wouldn't understand a good idea if it fell from the sky and hit them on the head.

Dennis Peacock
01-14-2009, 10:34 AM
Our government hard at work. No wonder we are where we are. They wouldn't understand a good idea if it fell from the sky and hit them on the head.

+1 Scott..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!