View Full Version : vacuum jig fo0r cutting thin strips

Dave Loebach
01-13-2009, 8:50 PM
A short time ago I read about a jig for cutting thin strips. It consisted of a long box that slid along the table saw fence support and moving a the source piece of wood. The box was attached to a vacuum cleaner so that the box had a vacuum inside of it. The box had holes in the side for holding the thin strips as they were cut off. For the life of me I cannot remember where I saw that article or posting. I've searched my magazines, the web in general and SMC in particular, but I cannot find it. I thought it might be in a December posting on SMC regarding cutting thin strips, but I don't see it htere. Do any of you young guys out there remember where this was published or posted?

Thanks all (old and young).

Aging Dave http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon7.gif

Dave Loebach
01-13-2009, 8:59 PM
Notice my adroit use of mis-spellings as an attention getter?

Sean Rainaldi
01-13-2009, 9:03 PM
Here is the thread. Photo is in last page of thread...


Dave Loebach
01-13-2009, 9:57 PM
Thanks Sean. That's the sled! The article I saw was about the construction. I just did a google search for "vacuum sled thin strips" and got two sites on constucting it. Here they are if anyone else is interested.




AL Ursich
02-13-2009, 11:07 AM
WOW !!! That is a pretty SLICK way to make a Vacuum Sled. I came today searching for info on making a Vacuum Sled to use with my CarveWright to cut FRP plastic name tags. This gives me great info.

I am wondering about the Vacuum source, it looks homemade?

I bought a Vacuum pump and a Vacuum Switch to shut down my carving machine with a vacuum loss...

This is a GREAT PLACE.... :D

Now I need to sign up to that other forum....
