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View Full Version : My first photgraph on a mirror

Sheryl Haley
01-13-2009, 5:09 PM
I am a newbie that just started my laser engraving business and I have silently been reading the posts. Thanks to all of you that have contributed with so much valuable information and ideas. I felt that it was time for me to contribute and show my first mirror.

I have an Epilog Legend 36EXT 75W
Photograv 3.0
Cherry Wood setting
200 dpi

Thank You, Sheryl Haley

Mike Null
01-13-2009, 5:17 PM

Welcome to SMC. Judging from your very fine work I'd say you'll be a great addition to the forum.

Phyllis Meyer
01-13-2009, 5:50 PM
Welcome to the creek! Great job on the mirror!! Happy Lasering!


Dee Gallo
01-13-2009, 5:59 PM
Wow, Sheryl, nice work! Looks like you can teach me something already!

This is such a great place to live and learn, you'll feel welcome right away.

cheers, dee

Frank Corker
01-13-2009, 6:12 PM
Welcome to the Creek, we hope to see more of your stuff as you progress. Everyone is always interested to see what others have done so congratulations on a truly remarkable first mirror. The lines around the edges are extremely clean and it shows, fantastic result!

Scott Perry
01-13-2009, 6:14 PM
Nice job, Sheryl, and welcome to the creek.

Albert Nix
01-13-2009, 6:19 PM
Really nice Sheryl. Did you paint the back black side after you lasered it?

Sheryl Haley
01-13-2009, 6:29 PM
Yes Al,
I painted the back side with High Gloss Black paint. I have tried the Matte Black but I prefer the gloss because it makes the image stand out better.
I also scanned in my image at 1200 dpi before I processed it through Photograv and lowerd the dpi to 200.

Thanks to everyone, Sheryl Haley

Steve Clarkson
01-13-2009, 6:34 PM
Sheryl.....welcome! And GREAT job on the mirror......I know I'm going to learn ALOT from you someday!

John W. Love
01-13-2009, 6:39 PM
Very nicely done! Looks like you are off to a great start! Welcome to the Creek.

Bill Morrison
01-14-2009, 11:07 AM
I silently read the posts too. Some of these guys might read them out loud but I quit doing that. Just kidding. Great job, My first mirror is in a landfill someplace. Great job.
