View Full Version : Pen Pricing???

Billy Tallant
01-10-2009, 8:08 PM
I'm starting to sell a few pens & I was wondering how much should I be charging for them? I know there will be differences due to cost of kit/wood blank etc... Being new I know I probably spend a lot more time working on a pen than the more experienced pen turners on here. So at this point I know my speed will improve with more practice... I've been making slimlines & patriot pens so far. Also a few antler pens... Any suggestions on pricing or how you figure your pricing for pens will be appreciated.

Jon Lanier
01-10-2009, 9:39 PM
Of course there are all sorts of ways to figure the cost. But basically what I do is Multiply the pen kit times 3 or 4. If there is special money in a blank or work into the blank I may add a bit more. Once again, I keep it pretty simple. I can't keep track of all my time/glue/sandpaper...etc. I'm to dyslexic for all of that. :o

Jeff Nicol
01-10-2009, 9:55 PM
Billy, $15-$20 for a slimline and up from there. Fancier wood, segmented, horn special order add cost also. Most people who want a nice hand made pen will pay the cost. Executives and such like to have a nice pen to make a statement. Location plays a part also, in New York and Chicago or Los Angeles (Hollywood) lots more money and people trying to out do their friends!

Good luck!

Hope you do well,


Rick Gibson
01-10-2009, 10:04 PM
Jon is not to far off. I sell slimlines for $20. I actually give more of them away to the youth in the church than I sell. Cigars go for $30 - 35. I don't buy blanks for slims or cigars I use local wood. If you buy your blanks you have to add that cost to your selling price.

One of the problems is where you live. I live in an area where my pension is likely more than most are working for. High priced pens sit in inventory for ever.

The way I look at it is it's a hobby, if I can sell enough to almost pay for itself it's still a hobby, if I start making a lot of money it becomes work and not fun anymore. :)

Bernie Weishapl
01-10-2009, 11:18 PM
Out here I get $20 for slimlines.

Steve Trauthwein
01-11-2009, 8:04 AM
Thirty dollars up. Your time, equipment, knowledge, expertise, and guarantee are worth a lot more than $20. That being said each market is different. The up part for me is the expense of the kit, rareness of the wood, difficulty of the process, or how much I llike the finished pen.

Have a range of prices. Price your nicest pens so that you don't think they will sell. If someone offers you less you can just say you like it that much. The more you will value your work, the more others will value it.

Just my .02, regards, Steve.

Mark Hix
01-11-2009, 10:57 AM
My prices range from $25 for the simple pens and go up from there. I posted some antler pens in November. The cigar sold for $100 and the Sierra for $50. I haven't tried to sell a slim, I do sell the Comfort and Euro's. The plain ones are lower than the burls. My best sellers are the Sierras and the Barons/Sedonas.

Billy Tallant
01-12-2009, 1:12 AM
Thanks for all of the information. Just wanted to make sure that I was on track... I've been selling my slimlines for $20. Starting to make Patriots & Cigar Pens. So wanted help estimating price structure. Once again thanks for the very helpful info. :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-12-2009, 6:43 PM
I start Slimlines at $25.00 and Euro's at $30.00.


Allen Neighbors
01-12-2009, 8:36 PM
Billy and Mark:
Where do you find Barons, Sedonas, and Patriot pen kits?
I've exhausted my links, and haven't been able to find them anywhere. I've just started making pens... 9 so far. It's a blast!

Brian Effinger
01-12-2009, 9:02 PM
Try Craft Supplies USA & PSI to start with. I know for a fact that CSUSA has the patriot. Usually they have the same or very similar kits and just call them different names.


Allen Neighbors
01-13-2009, 2:01 PM
Try Craft Supplies USA & PSI to start with. I know for a fact that CSUSA has the patriot. Usually they have the same or very similar kits and just call them different names. Brian

I've done a search for all of them, and can't find them. Don't know what they look like, so I can't go that way either. :(

Brian Effinger
01-13-2009, 2:39 PM
Here is the Patriot at CSUSA: http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Pen_Making___Ballpoint_Pen_Kits___Patriot_Pen_Kit_ __patriot_pen?Args=

And PSI's version: http://www.pennstateind.com/store/polaris-pen-kits.html

The Barron and Sedona are from Woodcraft or Arizona Silhouette: http://www.arizonasilhouette.com/Berea_Hardwoods_Pen_Kit_Images.htm

I'm pretty sure that you can get similar versions elsewhere under different names.

Mark Hix
01-13-2009, 7:09 PM
I buy them from Arizona S. The speed is great and the prices are good. Woodcraft sells both, they sell the Baron as the Navigator.

Marvin Hasenak
01-13-2009, 7:22 PM
When you come up with the prices it is best to stick to what you decided on. Better to start a little lower and sell the pens than start too high and get stuck with them or have to lower the price. If you lower the prices the word gets around and you can almost plan on having to lower them in the future. I deal more in game calls, and my prices never go down to the public, I will keep or give them away first. the customer that pays the full price resents seeing a lower price and you might just lose them forever, but a customer that bought at a lower starting price and the next time finds a higher price feels they received a bargain..


Billy Tallant
01-13-2009, 11:20 PM

I've been going to Rocklers to purchase my Patriot pens. I've also found them at Woodcrafts under a different name.

Allen Neighbors
01-14-2009, 2:05 PM
Brian and Mark, thanks for the information. Got it. Didn't know what they looked like. Now I wants some. :)