View Full Version : It had to happen - Sawstop/finger demo

Fred Voorhees
01-09-2009, 7:53 PM
here it is in case some haven't seen it.


Myk Rian
01-09-2009, 8:10 PM
This has been around and discussed for many months.

Sonny Edmonds
01-09-2009, 8:17 PM
Still going to do mine the old fashioned way.
If I get dumb enough to cut one (or more) off, I deserve it.
No matter how many lawyers he sends to Washington, DC.

Peter Quinn
01-09-2009, 8:18 PM
So, I watch the gentleman lean over the saw to retrieve the work piece and off cut, no out feed table, and I can't help thinking that with technique like that I would want a saw stop too. Not saying any non saw stop TS is safe, but I am saying some techniques encourage accidents and increase the odds of an incident. Watching that video carefully and I find myself asking, all hot dogs aside, "Do I do anything that stupid in my shop?".

Mike Wellner
01-09-2009, 8:24 PM
In my opinion this guy is only trying to make a profit. Its obvious when he tried to force the Consumer Product Safety Commission to require the Sawstop on all saws

Rob Sack
01-09-2009, 8:54 PM
In my opinion this guy is only trying to make a profit. Its obvious when he tried to force the Consumer Product Safety Commission to require the Sawstop on all saws

I'm sorry, but its not just about profit. I've been doing woodworking professionally for over 25 years. I take care of my equipment and have tried to be careful. But those in the know are aware of the fact that it only takes a split second of inattention to have an accident. It's happened to me. My industrial saw has served me well for the past 25 years, and though I was planning to buy a first class sliding table saw in the near future, my next saw will be a Sawstop. I've managed to keep all of my fingers since I started working in wood, and I plan to keep it that way. What we really need is a decent sliding table for the Sawstop!!

Larry Edgerton
01-09-2009, 9:05 PM
In my opinion this guy is only trying to make a profit. Its obvious when he tried to force the Consumer Product Safety Commission to require the Sawstop on all saws

Which is exactly why there will never be one in my shop. We have too much government in my shop now! They tried extortion as far as I am concerned. Underhanded, sleazy, sneaky XX.

Now you know my opinion.....:)

Per Swenson
01-09-2009, 9:33 PM
Y'all crack me up.

You can have my regular table saw when you pry my cold dead fingers from the blade.

By crickey.:D


Craig McCormick
01-09-2009, 9:40 PM
I sure don't want the government dictating whats in my shop.


Per Swenson
01-09-2009, 9:46 PM
For those who are unaware, my post above was satire.

This topic has also been mangled to death.



David DeCristoforo
01-09-2009, 9:52 PM
"This topic has also been mangled to death....Really."

...and beyond. BTW, AFAIC, that guy is the front runner for the "Stupidest Dumbass on the Planet" award.

Joe Jensen
01-09-2009, 9:56 PM
Still going to do mine the old fashioned way.
If I get dumb enough to cut one (or more) off, I deserve it.
No matter how many lawyers he sends to Washington, DC.

Awesome .