View Full Version : Waiting on a live center

Dahl Troy Perry
01-07-2009, 7:27 PM
Well yesterday was fun on the spur of the moment I drove 60 miles to Indy to the Rockler store to get a live center for my lathe so I could try to turn some pins. Talked my neighbor in to going with me in the ice storm we were geting! Got there spent 45 min looking around was ready to check out with all my goodies AND THAN I FOUND OUT I LEFT MY WALET AT HOME no money no credit card and a red face.So I truned to my freind and said looks like you are buying I'll bay you when we get home he went for his walet and did not have his either. SO we drove home 60 miles laughing all the way. I orderd one online that night. So to do something in the shop I built this Holder for my tools out of scrap wood . May paint it Thur.:cool:

Toney Robertson
01-07-2009, 7:44 PM
Way, WAY to tidy!! :D

I thought you told me your shop was always a mess.


Dahl Troy Perry
01-07-2009, 7:50 PM
WEll Would you beleive I cleaned it just before I took the picture!!!!:D:D:D

David Drickhamer
01-07-2009, 7:54 PM
Your shop has a floor???

alex carey
01-07-2009, 8:25 PM
I love the magnet idea. Where did you get the magnets? Also I was thinking of doing something like that. Are there any downside to attaching the tools to magnets.


Dahl Troy Perry
01-07-2009, 8:29 PM
Alex you can get magnet stirps at Rockler on sale this month 2- 17" for $17.99 or Harbor freight fo the same price. I hade these laying around for a long while.:D:D

Bernie Weishapl
01-07-2009, 10:00 PM
Great looking setup the Troy. I agree with Toney and David. I see a floor. I haven't seen my floor now for 3 yrs. Boy those chips sure do make a nice cushion to stand on.

Bill O'Conner
01-08-2009, 3:35 AM
how can you find anything it's way to clean


Frank Townend
01-08-2009, 6:21 AM
Great story. Now if I worked at Rockler I would give you your items and tell you to call me with a credit card number when you got home.

And. I really like the tool rack, great job!

Jon Farley
01-08-2009, 6:42 PM
Some turners (not necessarily me) would give you the devil for using magnets to secure your chisels. The thought is that the chisels themselves can become magnetized, which could lead to the chisels "sticking" to the toolrest at an inoppportune time, which could cuase any number of serious catch-related problems.

hank dekeyser
01-08-2009, 7:13 PM
Nice rack dude. If I remember Radio Shack has little round magnets. drill a hole and caulk 'em in place. I like the idea too but I think it would lead to grinder dust sticking to the chisels ? (yeah I know it wouldn't be much, but still)
Also if you need strip magnets, find an old refrigerator and cut the seal off (magnetic) also - many steel door jambs have a magnet seal on the handle side of the jamb.