View Full Version : Why does the room seem to be spinning?

Randy Schaffer
01-06-2009, 9:01 PM
For the last few minutes the room seems to be spinning ever faster....I put my foot down hard on the floor but it will not stop.:D


I just picked up my lathe from Woodcraft.

Since my tools have yet to arrive I think I am safe from most of the vortex, but I have a bad feeling about the immediate future….

Keith Christopher
01-06-2009, 9:07 PM
OH YEAH ! That spinning is the vortex sucking you down ! The noise you hear is all of us telling you welcome to the vortex !

Congrats !

Jim Underwood
01-06-2009, 9:48 PM
Looks like Pandora's Box to me....

Don't open it. It will just get worse.:D

Bernie Weishapl
01-06-2009, 9:52 PM
Congrats on falling into the black hole. Great lathe. You are going to love it.

Jim Becker
01-06-2009, 9:55 PM
Oh, yea!! Spin, baby, spin!!

Steve Schlumpf
01-06-2009, 10:13 PM
And so it begins........

Allen Neighbors
01-06-2009, 10:15 PM
And another one bites the dust! :D

Ken Fitzgerald
01-06-2009, 11:27 PM
Before the tools arrive....take a photo of any money in your wallet...print it and frame it. Place it on the wall near your lathe so you can remember what miney "looked" like!

Nice lathe. Welcome to the Vortex!

alex carey
01-06-2009, 11:46 PM
no one ever escapes. No matter what happens. your in it for life.

Jim Kountz
01-07-2009, 12:40 AM
Open with care!! Might as well face it your addicted already and havent even opened the box yet!!

Norm Zax
01-07-2009, 3:41 AM

Gary Friedlund
01-07-2009, 7:34 AM
I opened you have the box open by now. Waiting sucks.
I bought a used Powermatic 90 on Sunday and hve to wait until Saturday to pick it up.

Randy Schaffer
01-07-2009, 3:54 PM
Well I have a message my turning tools have arrived.....

I have a feeling this weekend may evaporate in a blur of chips.

Thanks to a bunch of you guys for pointing me to this 1220VS....I don't think I am ever gonna regret it....but I do think my wallet will be quite a bit more comfortable to sit on.:rolleyes:

01-07-2009, 4:03 PM
hey congrats on the new tool!! Enjoy it and post pics of the turnings.

Skip Spaulding
01-07-2009, 4:10 PM
Way to go Randy! By the way Woodcraft has a nice little Nova chuck on sale that would look great on that new lathe!

Randy Schaffer
01-07-2009, 4:29 PM
I saw the Nova Chuck on sale this month. I came up 89.97 short for it though:D

I am looking for a collet chuck now though. I want to turn a wooden mandrel for duck call making and think the collet chuck will be the next must have accessory.

I am searching the forum now and it looks like my choices for a collet chuck to hold a 3/4" tendon are limited to the Beall system or the one from PSI. Anyone have another recommendation?

The Duck Call book I have shows a #2MT collet chuck....I don't know who makes it though.

I will likely spend the next month or two just turning small spindles etc trying to learn the tools....but once I find that groove I want to make a duck call using Greg Keats guts and some nice wood.

Johnm Chase
01-07-2009, 4:54 PM
OK so don't forget the bed extension and you'll need a chuck and a a handful of jaws:D

Eugene Wigley
01-07-2009, 10:10 PM
Congrats on the new lathe. Be sure to post pics when you get it set up. Have fun.

James Roberts
01-07-2009, 11:01 PM
I recently ordered the same lathe and am waiting for it's delivery as well as a bunch of accessories. It's worse than a kid waiting on Christmas:D.

Hopefully the sound of making wood chips will drown out the sucking noise!

robert hainstock
01-08-2009, 7:48 AM
I got one of those 1220s in October and they are a "great" lathe. Spin, spin, spin. Or as Dorthey would say, "falling, falling, falling.
Tis a deep dark hole, but WELCOME! :eek::eek::)

Scott Conners
01-08-2009, 12:42 PM
CSUSA has MT2 collects up to 1/2" that you can buy individually and make your own drawbar for: http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Accessories___Collet___2mt_ind_collet?Args= Or you can buy as a set for $200 w/ a drawbar.

I don't know of a 3/4" version that fits MT2 though. At that size I'd personally go for a 4 jaw scroll chuck with some spigot jaws, as it'd be far more versatile down the road. Oneway makes collet jaws for it's stronghold chuck too, a bit overkill for a 1220 but should be a lifetime investment.
I've never made a call, but since they are through-bored, it seems to me you could make your own mandrel to chuck up in just about any way you want. Here's an article that uses a mandrel with bushings and a dowel chucked into a 4 jaw chuck: http://www.djschneider.com/misc/DuckCalls/qqduckcallmaking.html

Randy Schaffer
01-08-2009, 4:11 PM
Thanks for that link Scott. I do plan on turing my own mandrels for the calls. A book by Glen and Keats (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=99239&highlight=duck+call), I recently purchased shows these in great detail. The authors were using 3/4" tenons on the mandrel for a collet chuck. It looked pretty slick.

I picked up my tools yesterday and hopefully this weekend I can get the lathe setup on my workbench for a trial. I have to sharpen my tools over the next couple of days (by hand as no grinder yet).

I found some lathe stand plans on the internet and in one of Raffen's books that I think will end up being another one of those projects that has to get done sooner than later. I am thinking of a simple A-framed wooden beam type stand....long enough for an extension bed.

Graham Sugar
01-08-2009, 6:23 PM
:eek::eek::eek: Welcome to the world of us crazy addicted wood spinners
you will just love it :D

Aaron Wingert
01-09-2009, 10:57 AM
I got my 1220VS the day after Christmas, and have dumped an insane amount of money on turning tools and "necessities" in the last two weeks.

When these guys tell you that you're in a vortex or on a slippery slope, they are not kidding.

Randy Schaffer
01-09-2009, 11:59 AM
No kidding Aaron. My wife near killed me with the ever growing list of NEEDS. I feel just barely equipped and spent way way over my original budget. I tried to plan on only spending once....that is buying good stuff that will last no matter where this ends up going. But man-o-man it is like jumping off a cliff.

Randy Schaffer
01-12-2009, 2:33 PM
I was able to get my Lathe out of the box last Friday. I put an old pine closet rod in and gave it a shot.



I had only had a chance to sharpen up a small spindle master.


I had a great few minutes of making shavings though. I was sort of worried about starting out but it was easier to control the tool than I thought.

Unfortunately, I did not have any more time this weekend as my wife and I spent both days doing damage assessment for the Red Cross (severe flooding over the past week).

I worked on my tools last night, so I have some sharp ones for the next go.

I have to build a stand for this ASAP, as my workbench it way to high.

Fun, it is.