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View Full Version : A Plea To My Central Virginia Brothers & Sisters

Keith Starosta
01-05-2009, 9:23 PM
Without going into too many of the details as to why I am asking, I'm hoping that somebody in the Hanover County, VA, area could provide me with a solid recommendation for an attorney specializing in traffic/reckless driving cases. I need to find a lawyer ASAP, and would be eternally grateful for any information that could help.

If you feel more comfortable with it, please send me a PM.

Thanks very much!

- Keith

Scott Shepherd
01-06-2009, 10:12 AM
I'm checking with an attorney I know Keith. I think he's the right person, but I've got a call in to him to check. Will report back as soon as I hear back from him.

Cliff Rohrabacher
01-06-2009, 3:10 PM
Get on the phone and contact your local bar association.

Then when you speak with counsel ask about their track record. One of the things a great many of us do in this biz (and MDs too) is to erect barriers to dialog that shuts off the potential client from asking too many questions. So if you hit a wall with a lawyer get up and hit the door.

Keith Starosta
01-06-2009, 4:35 PM
Steve and Cliff,
Thanks very much for the information! I really appreciate it!

- Keith