View Full Version : Lamello joining elements

Robert Bailey
01-05-2009, 12:58 PM
Has anyone used lamello for anything other than standard wood plates. Like tried using simplex 20, clamex, or self clamping ones. Just would like to hear from other woodworkers about this. If anyone used the simplex in projects i would like to see them.

Ken Milhinch
01-05-2009, 11:31 PM
Sorry I can't say I have, but everything named Lamello is quality and will work exactly as specified. I love their Duplex hinges.

Robert Bailey
01-19-2009, 2:25 PM
I have had a chance to try out the Fixo self clamping deal. I was happy with it. Something so simple and worked really well. I would say its always good to use glue. On my first test piece that was out of some cherry, i almost could take it apart, seemed like you almost didn't even need the glue.

Please Let me know about your thoughts. still looking for more input about the simplex 20 for uses other than maybe a table leaf .

Robert Bailey
06-01-2009, 8:37 PM
for anyone that would like to use the lamello simplex I have a hint for you. Buy the insert tool. How I like to install them is first make the cut, Then insert with tool with little titebond thick CA type on the edge. Next remove the tool. Now for the hint. if you look at how its install you can see little /cup\ area. I would fill it up on both sides. It will go down so keep filling it up. Seems the way the simplex was made allow for the CA thick glue to seep. no need to epoxy. Note do not put the glue where the other half goes. So the design is double fold, allows for temp stationary and allows for a CA glue to penetrate and coat. Anyone ever needs pictures to help explain let me know.

for simplex

Chris Padilla
06-02-2009, 11:45 AM
Pics are ALWAYS nice to see, Robert!!