View Full Version : Native American Flutes

Bill Embrey
01-04-2009, 8:12 PM
I admired Native American flute music for years and always wanted one of the flutes. They always seemed to be out of my price range so I got to thinking... someone is making them... why can't I? Tons of research and lots of questions in forums and I started making them myself. Since I am a registered and voting member of the Muskogee Creek Nation, I can display and sell my flutes as Native American, not Native American Style.

The flutes below are: F# Pecan w/ Pecan bird, F# Purpleheart w/ Marblewood bird, E Quilted Maple w/ Osage Orange bird, F Canarywood w/ Tulipwood bird.

The bird is the little block tied on top, which is sometimes refered to as a fetish. The Purpleheart flute was a Christmas present for my oldest daughter, a Sophmore in college.

Pete Jordan
01-04-2009, 8:26 PM
Those are great Bill!

Did you get the Bill Hughes DVD? I have been meaning to try those since I have the DVD but haven't got to it yet.

Bill Embrey
01-04-2009, 8:38 PM
Thank you Pete... and yes, I have the Bill Hughes DVD... it is a great guide even if he is a bit "odd". He is also a great resource via email and phone...

Dustin Cranford
01-04-2009, 8:56 PM
Very nice. Glad to see someone else from Oklahoma here besides me. I was starting to feel alone. :p

Steve Schlumpf
01-04-2009, 9:09 PM
Very nice work Bill! Beautiful woods! Really like the slight variations in the style of the birds.

Gene O. Carpenter
01-04-2009, 9:10 PM
Nice Flutes !! Does it take much "wind" to blow one of those flutes? I've made 5 of them following the directions from an Indian Flute Maker , David sticks in my mind for some reason.
I've measured and re-measured, laid out my start and stop marks on router fence. Even went so far as to run a 7/8" Fostner bit all the way down to beginning of the air exchange hole, just to clean out any glue runs..
I cannot get any sound out either of the 5 attempts. I don't have much lung capacity left and thought that might be the problem.


Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2009, 9:34 PM
Very nice work out of some nice woods.

Bill Embrey
01-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Thanx for the comments everybody :)

Dustin, where in Oklahoma are you? Wood and story swappin' close ;)?

Gene, these flutes take very little wind to make sound... if you could possibly take some pictures of what you've got so far, I might be able to give you some pointers or ideas as to where you might be having problems. You can email me from my profile here, I'd be glad to give you some help.

Don Carter
01-04-2009, 11:07 PM
Your daughter must have been thrilled. They are just beautiful. It must be very gratifying for you to make them. What is the function of the bird?
All the best.


Jim Kountz
01-04-2009, 11:12 PM
Hey very nice Bill, how do they sound? I love the sound of the flute too, very soothing and warm tones.

Jeff Nicol
01-05-2009, 6:31 AM
Bill, They are very elegant and beautiful! The woods you chose are perfect! Very nice job and is great that you are keeping your heritage alive!


Dustin Cranford
01-05-2009, 9:07 AM
Thanx for the comments everybody :)

Dustin, where in Oklahoma are you? Wood and story swappin' close ;)?

Gene, these flutes take very little wind to make sound... if you could possibly take some pictures of what you've got so far, I might be able to give you some pointers or ideas as to where you might be having problems. You can email me from my profile here, I'd be glad to give you some help.

I'm in Ponca City, but may be transferred to Bartlesville real soon. Just waiting on the company to decide what it is going to do.

Paul Douglass
01-05-2009, 10:43 AM
Great looking flutes, I made one, it is very plain because I wanted to see if I could make sound before getting pretty. To my supprise it has great sound although I am not musical enough to know if it is near in tune.

John Nowack
01-05-2009, 10:47 AM
hey dustin---we have a great club in Tulsa if you get moved to Bartlesville---Bill you might already be a member and I just don't know it (can't find my member list)

We have a world class turner/carver in our club that is demoing this saturday---you are welcome to come---I think it is $25 for non members---sombody told me he has a few pieces in museums (supposidly the Smithsonian)

Matt Ranum
01-05-2009, 11:58 AM
"I admired Native American flute music for years and always wanted one of the flutes. They always seemed to be out of my price range so I got to thinking... someone is making them... why can't I? Tons of research and lots of questions in forums and I started making them myself."

That was my thinking when I decided to build my telescope. They built them way back when by hand, a guy should be able to today.

Nice work on the flutes too beautiful.:)

Bill Embrey
01-05-2009, 3:22 PM
Thanx everyone :) These things are a blast to make, and while I don't know how to play one "formally" (i.e. read music or tablature), I do play them a lot and just play what sounds "right"... I believe that was the original concept anyway.

Don, the bird is a block that covers a little channel under it that directs the air over the sound hole splitting edge... making the flute "whistle". They can look like anything, but they need to have a very smooth, flat bottom where they sit on the flute (that area is traditionaly called the nest).

Jim, the newer ones I've done in E have a lower, mellow sound that is so soothing, it's hard to keep playing because you just want to relax.... :D. The F# Pecan is the one I play the most... nice "middle ground" of lows and highs...