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View Full Version : Thanks, Frank!

Dee Gallo
01-01-2009, 9:39 PM
I just wanted to thank Frank for a posted crd. of horse images from a way back, which I found in a search. That post not only helped the original person, but saved me as well!

cheers, dee

Frank Corker
01-02-2009, 6:33 AM
Well if I'm the Frank referred to you are welcome Dee. If I'm not then I feel embarrassed (....wait......okay I'm over that now). I think it shows the benefit of having a well run website, that all this information and all the files can be got back so easily.

Scott Shepherd
01-02-2009, 9:36 AM
I'm glad you posted this Dee, last night I was just about to post a "Thanks Frank" thread when the phone rang, and then a job was done, and then the phone rang again, and I left work.

I too wanted to say Thanks to Frank. What a guy! He so unselfishly helps others and asks for nothing in return. I know he doesn't get the thanks he deserves for the hours he spends fixing files and posting things FOR people. Frank has sent me things that I do think I ever properly thanked him for either.

So Frank, although we don't always take the time to say thanks for all you do for us, just know that we do appreciate you, and your work, and sometimes we just drop the ball on our end saying thanks!

So Thanks Frank! Happy 2009.

Now that we've got that all out of the way, can you convert 642 images for me? They were taken with a pin hole camera in 1847 and they have water damage on them all, and that needs to be fixed. I want to engrave them on water. Not normal, clear water, but red or green water. The photos are 2" x 2", but I need to engrave them 18" x 24", and I need them by Monday. Can I just email you the files? ;)

Dee Gallo
01-02-2009, 10:31 AM
Well if I'm the Frank referred to you are welcome Dee. If I'm not then I feel embarrassed (....wait......okay I'm over that now). I think it shows the benefit of having a well run website, that all this information and all the files can be got back so easily.

There IS no other Frank! There is only one original, unique, real Frank. I think you should copyright your name and not let anyone else use it.

I'm sure I'm not the only Creeker who appreciates the frank and thoughtful responses Frank offers to instruct and keep us on our toes, and frankly I don't know of too many who have the depth of experience Frank shares.

thanks again, dee

Ed Maloney
01-02-2009, 1:35 PM
Maybe we should engrave something for Frank.:D

Phil Garcia
01-02-2009, 2:05 PM
Yes, thanks Frank for all you do. Your post have helped me a lot. If you ever need any advise(NOT LIKELY) I am sure we all would be glad to return the favor. Lots of Luck in 09'.:D

Scott Erwin
01-02-2009, 5:00 PM
That would be Mr. Frank Corker, or maybe Sir Frank Corker, or maybe His Majesty Frank Corker.

Either way, FRANK IS THE BEST !!

He is always there to help and is as humbe as heck too....

Thank you His Majesty, Sir, Mr, Frank Corker !!

Paul Cavallaro
01-02-2009, 6:09 PM
Yes, Frank is THE MAN!
I have used some of the hundreds (thousands?) of graphics and advice he has shared with us. He is truly a great guy.
I wish Frank and everyone at the Creek a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.:)

Paul Cavallaro
American Laserworks, LLC

Frank Corker
01-02-2009, 7:07 PM
Come on guys am I the only one barfing here? :o

Bill Cunningham
01-04-2009, 6:52 PM
Come on guys am I the only one barfing here? :o

Ha.. Must be the fumes from Scott's Red & Green water job... Your endless supply of clipart, has probably helped the vast majority of folks here Frank, including yours truly...(The one legged man jumping hurdles while carrying a beer keg comes to mind).. :D Have a great New Year...

Randy Walker
01-04-2009, 8:48 PM
As my first post I would like to thank everyone here at the Creek for your wonderful insites. I just placed my order for a Universal 30 watt, and I'm sure that Ill be looking to all of you here for help correcting my nubee mistakes. Again THANK YOU ALL and heres hoping all have a prosperous 2009.