View Full Version : Porter Cable router 75182 Speed Issue

Dan Burstyn
01-01-2009, 1:11 PM
Happy New Years everyone.

This is my first post, even though I have been lurking in the background for a while.:)

I am looking for some help :confused:

I recently picked up a used Porter Cable 3 1/4 HP router (model 75182) with the 5 Speed switch (type 1?) at a going out of business sale in a Bench Dog Cabnit with lift.:D

It seems to work good for about 2 minutes (one board), then the speed slows way down (without load). If you give it a little load it speeds up for a second and then slows back down. Bearing seem to be good, and not hot.:mad:

The more it is attempted to be used (with much slower feed rate to make up for the reduced speed), the slower it seems to go.

This is while being used in the unheated garage at temps between 30-50 degrees.

I would really like to get this back up and running the way it should be.

Is it time for a new speed control?

If it is the speed control - Anyone know where I can get one (new or used) econimically?

Any Help would be great :'):D


William OConnell
01-01-2009, 1:48 PM
I had the same problem with that router. If you take the top off and vacuum it out, then, blast with some air from a compressor that might help. It worked for me. The speed control board can get caked in dust causing the exact symptoms you just described. Thats what I would try first before changing the board

Dar Lounsbury
01-01-2009, 3:42 PM
I bought two Porter Cable 7519 routers, not running, for $25 as parts. One had enough dust in it to cause one of the brushes to stick and not work. A little compressed air and it has worked fine for a couple years. Not relevant, but the other had a broken wire in the cord end. New cord end, new router. Turned out to be a very very good deal. I have both of these in router tables. I wish they were the 5 speed but for $25, I can't complain. I use Grizzley variable speed controllers. They work OK but you don't have a clue as to how fast they are really turning.


Jim Becker
01-01-2009, 3:47 PM
Try blowing out the dust first. But you may need to replace the control circuitry...I had to do that on mine a number of years ago. I did manage to get just the part and install it myself.

Jim O'Dell
01-01-2009, 5:50 PM
Go to the PC/Delta site and find the diagram. Sometimes you can find this at other places on line...Rockler, Eparts.com... and get the part number for that unit. Then do a google search on the part number. Eparts should have it, as has the Sears parts (had the best price incl. shipping for my 8529 several years ago), and several other tool places. Hopefully it is still made. The one for the 8529 is now discontinued. Same control fit the 7529. A guy on another forum was looking for one and couldn't find it. No longer available. Surely that won't be true for the 7818 (I have one of those too) but if it is, just by pass the control, keep the control in the router to plug the hole to keep as much dust out as possible, and get an outboard speed control. If your's has soft start now, you will lose that feature. At least I don't recall seeing the aftermarket speed controllers having that feature...anyone know of one?
But I agree with starting with blowing the unit out. If you can, take the speed control piece out and blow it off good. Might get lucky, but I'm betting on a new controller. Seems like the one for the 8529 was about 45.00. Jim.

Dan Burstyn
01-04-2009, 8:56 AM

Thank you (1 and all) for the advice.

The cleanout did not help. :(

So ordered a new speed controller from Sears Parts.

They had it in stock :D,

Plus found a 20% off parts coupon :D:D - Which erased most of the tax/shipping charges. :D:D:D

Note: In case anyone needs it the code # is 80014 ;) -
not sure how long it is good for no expiration date listed :confused:.
But it worked today (1/4/09).

So I was able to pick it up for $85 and in a week or so, It should be at my door ready to install.

Again Thank You to all that responded.

Dan B.

Jim Becker
01-04-2009, 10:24 AM
Dan, that's about what I paid a few years ago direct from the local PC service center, so the price sounds about right with your discounts. Installation isn't hard...just take your time.

Dan Burstyn
01-18-2009, 8:15 AM

I thought I would update folks on this post.

Searsparts sent me an email -
Sorry your part is on backorder, no expected shipment date.:mad:

Got another email yesterday -
Expected delivery is now 3/16/09. Only approx 2 months from now.:(:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Glad, I am only a "weekend" woodworker.
Now I see why a guy was selling his used/mal-functioning one on ebay.

Maybe I'll try and give PC (or whatever they are called today, may change by tomorrow) and see if they have it.

This maybe a study in patience.....:rolleyes:

Fred Belknap
01-18-2009, 8:37 AM
Sears has messed up so many things for me that I just refuse to deal with them. I use to buy a lot of things from them.