View Full Version : My injury

Rick Prosser
12-31-2008, 12:15 AM
Thought I would jump on the wagon and show what can happen when you try to move the tool rest without stopping the lathe. (Yeah, I knew better...):p

I had moved the rest out of the way for sanding, but decided to take "one more pass" with the gouge.

I had a real (too) sharp edge on the cookie cutter - which I was planning to dull during sanding.

When I started to slide the tool rest over, it stuck, then released and slid with my hand into the spinning wood. I felt a bump, but continued to adjust the rest. Once I had it set, I looked at my finger and noticed a gash across the joint. No blood until I tried to close it - then I inspected the cut and determined that there was no way to keep the gap closed for healing (due to the location across the joint). The worst part was I had to wake up my wife (around midnight) to let her know that I would be going to ER for stitches. She would not let me go alone even though I thought it would be fine and she had to get up early for work. Got three stitches and my first (probably not the last) turning scar.


Gave the cookie cutter to my son's new wife and we made cookies with it at Thanksgiving! I was thankful that I only needed 3 stitches.;)

Don Carter
12-31-2008, 12:22 AM
I hope you are healing up! So, the cookie cutter is a finger cutter too. ;)
You know, it seems we can get hurt in a number of ways, but most often we know better. Hey, we are all human. BTW, making the cookie cutter is a great idea. Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your story. We all can use the warnings.

All the best.


Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2008, 12:34 AM
Rick - sorry to hear of your injury but glad that a few stitches took care of it! Lesson learned! Thanks for sharing!

Jeff Nicol
12-31-2008, 6:30 AM
Rick, You are right about that not being your last turning wound! No matter how careful we are sometimes we forget the bite of the lathe! A few stitches and scars give a guy character! But the wifes are mostly unhappy with us when we come in with another boo boo!

Take care and I hope you get to share in the cookie bounty!

Have a happy new year!


Keith Christopher
12-31-2008, 8:29 AM

Sorry to hear about your accident, glad it wasn't worse. Cool cookie cutter though!


robert hainstock
12-31-2008, 8:54 AM
I feel for you, but know it could happen to me at any time. We get careless sooner or later, and things fly or catch and go "boom". Stay out of the line of fire. :eek::eek::eek:

Bernie Weishapl
12-31-2008, 11:02 AM
Glad it wasn't worse and heal quickly. Thanks for the reminder as we all get a little careless in our working with wood no matter what machine. Have a Safe Happy New Year.

Cyril Griesbach
12-31-2008, 11:07 AM
As Dick Sing always says..."if you're going to move the tool rest while the lathe is spinning make sure it's sharp". I'm glad you were not hurt worse.