View Full Version : Oops - Mast R Lift problem

Jordan Shatsoff
12-30-2008, 12:32 PM
Hi All,

I was routing the opening for the Mast R Lift plate. While doing that the bit I was using slipped and made the rabbet too deep, about the thickness of a business card. Even with the set screws basically fully *extended* there is a lip which I keep catching on, plus the screws are really loose.

I am trying to find out the best solution for this. I came up with the following:

1) Epoxy washers at the set screw locations (essentially using them as shims) and then use the existing setup to level.

2) Find longer set screws to use for leveling.

3) Get a new top (not really an option)

Which do you think is best or is there a better option?


Bill Karow
12-30-2008, 12:52 PM
Could you inset a frame in the opening? Square the opening up a little larger, inset a wooden frame to fit flush, then try again on routing for the lift? If sanded well and finished, I don't think a flush inset area would cause noticeable additional drag.

glenn bradley
12-30-2008, 2:37 PM
Bill's idea is good and being totally anal as I am I would probably do that. On the other hand, if I wanted to 'get busy' instead of 'getting ready to get busy' (something I do a lot) I would use the washers and a bit of silicone to hold them in position. If you did this "temporarily" I bet they would still be there next Christmas ;-)

Steve Roxberg
12-30-2008, 3:22 PM

I recommend Stay-Tru plate levelers from Woodhaven. You don't have a lip to collect dust.

The hole for the plate goes all the way through my table. The Stay-Tru levelers then mount underneath the table and give you eight 1/2 inch diameter points to support the plate. The link directly to their product page is below.


Doug Shepard
12-30-2008, 4:04 PM
A layer or 2 of Slik-Tape added to the rabbet would probably build it up enough. The Woodhaven gizmos that Steve linked to look like pretty good idea if you dont mind waiting for mail order.

Jordan Shatsoff
01-01-2009, 9:49 AM
Thanks for the help.

I will let you know what I decide to do. I also happened to notice some corner supports similar to the ones posted by Steve at woodcraft from Kreg. Maybe I will take some measurements and see whether it would get it done, since I can just drive there.


John Durscher
01-01-2009, 10:05 AM
I'd just put drive small flat head screws straight down into the rabbet directly below where the adjusting screws on the router plate contact the rabbet. Take the adjusting screws out of the plate to mark the location of the screws. Now just drive the screws so that they are slightly proud of the rabbet to make up for the extra depth of the rabbet. Now the set screws will contact the flat head screws instead of the rabbet. A router table that I bought came this way, probably to ensure the leveling screws didn't just dent the particle board instead of leveling the plate.


Jordan Shatsoff
01-01-2009, 6:49 PM
John, that sounds like a great simple solution. I think I will give that a try.
