View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
12-29-2008, 9:44 AM
29 Dec 2008

Well this year is all but over and 2009 is quickly approaching. My how time flies when you are older.!!

I'm proud to say that I'm still working at the day job and even though it's getting tougher at work by doing more...faster...with no more people...I can still say I have a job.

I've made good progress on the kitchen table project, but was hampered some while I was sick for almost 2 weeks. The under-side of the tabletop is now sanded and filled and resanded. The top of the table is now getting some "bow-tie" inlays as my neighbor saw them in the kitchen table I made for the LOML and wanted them in her table as well. The legs are done, mortise and tenons are done and hand fitting the tenons is all done except for 2 and I'll have those done today. This week I'll get the edges of the table and legs rounded over and begin the phase of final sanding. I hope to start the finishing process next week or two.

Well, I'm oncall this week for the day job at that mean my time in the shop is limited to today and tomorrow before 5PM. The other thing I get to do today is fix the LOML's clothes dryer.!!!! It broke down late last week, no heat from a gas dryer. I've narrowed it down to a bad ignitor and have proven that by testing it with my multimeter for resistance, supposed to be between 50 - 400 Ohms but tested it reads Zero. So it's off to the applicance parts place, come back and fix the dryer and THEN get out in the shop.

So what did YOU do this weekend?
Best of weeks to you all.

Jason Whitaker
12-29-2008, 9:51 AM
well I finally had the 10 stitches removed from my hand and am looking forward to finally using my new table saw!

Joe Mioux
12-29-2008, 9:53 AM
worked at work, but also picked up around 100lbs of pecans (4+ five gallon buckets).

that took about 8 hours.

going out today hopefully will get another 10 gallons.


Thomas Knighton
12-29-2008, 9:59 AM
I put together my "shop". It's the finest available from Wal-Mart ;)


I also did the rough cuts on my a bookcase for my Mom. I was busy :D

glenn bradley
12-29-2008, 10:04 AM
Dennis, some Friends and I were just saying that the current status symbol in America is a paycheck ;-)

Jason, sounds like the staitches weren't from the table saw and that is good. Heal quick and be safe.

Joe, that is a lot of pecans. Please forward pies to my address.

Tom, the shop looks great. I don't know why some of us fool around for months getting things set up ;-)

I finally got an often delayed project out of the shop until a finish is chosen. Now I can start getting the corner ready for the cyclone install.

Kevin Arceneaux
12-29-2008, 10:19 AM
Made shavings - cut down a few small water oaks, trash oaks, and a choke cherry.

Dewey Torres
12-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Continued work on my Morris Chair (made good progress)