View Full Version : How I wanna sort...

03-14-2003, 5:47 PM
"Complaint department?"<br>
"I have a complaint."<br>
under breath"<i>Gee, what a surprise!</i>"<br>

I'd like to be able to sort posts by:

1st The post that started the thread.<br>
2nd The date and time the thread started.

I'd like to know who started the thread, have the most recent thread-starting post at the top of the page, and be able to see who posted that thread starter.

Yeah, I know new software is on the way, but I want what I want and I want it now! ;^)

I feel a <small>little</small> better now.

ps: Will some kind, helpfull soul look at the coding and tell me the replacement code that takes the place of "<br>" on this forum?

Norsky - Cambridge, Iowa

Aaron Koehl
03-14-2003, 9:11 PM
The symbol you're looking for is &amp;quot;

The new version of the software has the ability to sort
by thread start date, as well as a host of other features.
(Currently, the start date isn't even stored in the db, except
through the first post, which would be too slow)
Be looking out for these feature enhancements
in the next few weeks!


Craig Howard
03-14-2003, 9:25 PM
By any chance, are you the proud owner of a stylish personalized keepsake box?

Just curious,


03-15-2003, 7:04 AM
You betcha! Got it right here next to a cherry box from Topeka.&quot
One of these days I'm gonna decide what sort of finish to put on it. ;^)

Hmmm, that & quot thingie doesn't seem to work like the old code did. I'm so confused.


03-15-2003, 7:10 AM
My mistake. The code you supplied works just fine (I should have known it would) -- just that it shows in the preview.

Sheesh! Two mistakes in one day and it's only 6:00 AM! The preview works...<b>IF</b> one looks at the top of the page rather than the reply box. Maybe I should go back to bed for a while and start the day over.
