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  1. Freedom Pens, What Do You Think?
  2. Freedom Pens - General Information
  3. Pen Sleeves
  4. Getting the word out
  5. Lets Talk Materials
  6. Materials and/or kits needed
  7. Pens ready to go!
  8. Dimensions
  9. Who have you notified in the media....
  10. Web Site rough draft
  11. Kit dealers and prices
  12. My Thoughts on Freedom Pens
  13. Alternative materials for Freedom Pens
  14. Kits and Donated Blanks
  15. Wood blanks - I'll have a bunch soon
  16. web site question
  17. Some discounted $ kits available now
  18. Wooden Pen Blanks
  19. Pen Kit Bulk Buy Established
  20. Copywrite infringment
  21. Freedom Pen Website
  22. Woodcraft at Willow Lawn ...
  23. FT American Pen Kits
  24. Blanks ready for shipment
  25. Tulsa Woodcraft
  26. My First Freedom Pen Shipment
  27. Wood for pens
  28. durable finish for the pens.
  29. Supplier fills pen blank wood order in 1 day!
  30. Newspaper Op for south Ft Worth on Wed evening
  31. Pen Material Suggestion *PIC*
  32. Cut a few blanks this afternoon.
  33. Local Woodcraft
  34. Bulk Buy Pen Kit Update
  35. Kit request
  36. Very First Pens Received
  37. It was a good day!
  38. We really need a flyer!
  39. Flyer Ready
  40. Check out this publicity !!!!!!!
  41. Freedom Pens
  42. Freedom Pens...I want to help!
  43. Another Media Report - Long
  44. Pin Buttons!
  45. 700 Blanks Coming Soon...
  46. FRONT PAGE news article *pic*
  47. Shipping costs
  48. This REALLY drives it home Folks
  49. "The Power of The Press"
  50. Three Freedom Pens
  51. Thought & Ideas
  52. Finally turned some Freedom Pens
  53. media coverage
  54. Donation Question
  55. Shipping and Distribution
  56. The Last Liberty Tree Freedom Pens
  57. Easier Link News Article with *PICS**
  58. Some Freedom Pens
  59. Local Woodcraft comes through!
  60. Drill Press / Pen Mill deal
  61. Publicity
  62. Some Graphics You can use
  63. Making Donations Easier
  64. *Official* FREEDOM PEN LOGO
  65. Freedom Pens Political Affiliations (Important)
  66. Kudos to Burleson Star and Ft. Worth Woodcraft!!!!!
  67. Printable Version of TV Report *Link*
  68. cheers to Knoxville Woodcraft
  69. Pen Kits at No Cost ***
  70. Middle School Activities
  71. Where to ship blanks?
  72. Monetary Donations
  73. Getting Started
  74. The Freedom Pens Project Merchandise
  75. Canadian Support.....
  76. Anybody want some Corian for Freedom Pens?
  77. New Freedom Pens
  78. Free Kits Update
  79. Freedom pens local promotion
  80. Peoples names with the pens
  81. Riverbends First 50
  82. Arizona wood show
  83. Way To Go Ken!!
  84. Visit to the Local WoodCraft
  85. This weeks publicity
  86. Houston Woodworking Show
  87. Pen Donation
  88. Freedom Rock
  89. Program Promoting *pic*
  90. Corian with bulk buy kits
  91. Donated Pens by Dave Peebles **PIC**
  92. Need Quick Help...CA Glue ?
  93. Rockler sale
  94. Excuse the pun
  95. Turn-a-thon Tulsa OK March 31st, 2004
  96. Shop time and a few pens today **PIC**
  97. Here's batch on the way to HRO
  98. Freedom Pens Card
  99. Media Kit Progress?
  100. Bulk Buy Kits Update - Please Read
  101. Free Kit Requesters - Please Read **
  102. Freedom Pen Program Update
  103. 1st attempt at a Freedom Pen
  104. Liberty Pens Arrived
  105. I have blanks if anyone needs some! (Julie's 1st)
  106. Special pen blanks
  107. Waymon Campbell Flyer
  108. Carolina Mountain Woodturners Club signs up
  109. High School kids sign on to sponsor!
  110. Kinda driving me nuts!!!!!!!
  111. New Flyer
  112. CA glue
  113. Yesterdays Progress
  114. Bulk Buy Kit update
  115. I have contacted DuPont.....
  116. First pen
  117. Will it Work?
  118. OK, I'm thinking outside the "box" here . . .
  119. Turn-A-Thon Norfolk VA March 13, 2004
  120. Discounted FT American Kits
  121. Turn-A-Thon Nashville TN
  122. Turn A Thon Charleston SC March 20th
  123. Pen Blanks starting to ship
  124. I received no feedback so I did it!
  125. freedompens.org
  126. Houston Woodworking Show / Freedom Pens
  127. Info on shipping tubes for pens
  128. Ca Glue Bulk Buy
  129. Charleston SC Post and Courier article
  130. trying to find
  131. New web page for FreedomPens.org and .us
  132. Local High School Fund Raising
  133. Another Turn-A-Thon - March 13th in Fort Worth
  134. Thank you Cleartec! Pen Tube Info.
  135. Corian Motherload Established
  136. Spread The Word
  137. More Pens Received
  138. The Reason
  139. Please check CA Orders
  140. I need a pen to give to my Soldier friend
  141. Freedom Pens Web Site Color Scheme
  142. Army Approves Us To Ship Pens
  143. Uncle Ken needs YOU!
  144. Corporate Donations....
  145. Pen Blanks still available
  146. Here's a detailed press release you can use.
  147. Will this pen work?
  148. Bulk Buy, Free Kits & Corian Update
  149. Ship your completed pens
  150. More Pens Received
  151. First Bulk Buy Shipments made today
  152. Got Pen Blanks
  153. If you're looking for a banner idea . . .
  154. Do it Ebay
  155. Hey Ken....Tube Lengths Please
  156. Crash & Burn.. or... Leave PR to the Pro's.
  157. Freedom Pen Hat
  158. Where is the FPP Cafe link ?
  159. Here's a poster I can edit for folks! - Julie look!
  160. Some Free Kits Shipped Today
  161. Corian Requests
  162. Drilling Blanks
  163. Joel's Pen Art Website
  164. Ca Order Placed
  165. The poster is posted . . . well, kinda!
  166. Blanks
  167. Woo-Hoo....another media article coming!!
  168. Woodcraft Corporate Bulletin Board Notice
  169. Charleston Turn A Thon
  170. I still have free Corian substitute and blanks!
  171. A "feel good" story
  172. So how do ya handle calls like.......
  173. Make a Freedom Pen Pledge
  174. Our first 25 pens
  175. WOW! Fort Worth Woodcraft is really coming through!
  176. I just hit another big haul of free blanks!
  177. Send Your Finished Pens ! ! ! !
  178. I increased the order for pen shipping tubes
  179. Whoopie - Bulk Buy parts should be here tomorrow PLEASE READ
  180. Feedback
  181. Craft Supplies USA Donation
  182. Freedom Pens First Shipment 02-23-04 (Totals)
  183. A few for the troops
  184. Pen Tube Shipments - I need addresses!
  185. 6 of my best
  186. Ahhhhhhhhh
  187. Free pen kit for a pen
  188. Smokey Mtn woodturners
  189. Mo blanks ready to be shipped
  190. Scout's Making Pens with the Capital Area Woodturners
  191. Corian Requests Update
  192. Ca Bulk Buy
  193. try again
  194. Turn-A-Thon Richmond Virginia June 12, 2004
  195. More Bulk Buys Shipped
  196. Berea Hardwoods Support of Freedom Pens
  197. The pen tubes are in the building!
  198. An extra bonus
  199. Heads up Penn State madrels
  200. Free Pen Kits Request
  201. New Pens
  202. Second CA Bulk buy
  203. I got pen kits.!!!!!
  204. I need the following addresses ASAP for pen tubes
  205. Knoxville Woodcraft Turn-a-Thon July 3rd 04
  206. Glue for Corian? and thanks to Berea
  207. Thanks Jerry Stringer 1st corian pen
  208. Twist Mechanisim 7mm
  209. Busy Weekend but got 20 pens done.
  210. I have extra Pen Tubes if you need some
  211. Bulk Buy and Free Kits Shipped Today
  212. Bulk Buy & Kit Recipients Please Read *****
  213. Our 100th Freedom Pen
  214. Delta Donation
  215. Got milk?
  216. words from Irag
  217. Finally Complete !!!
  218. I have the numbers for the Pen Tubes
  219. Turn A Thoners
  220. CA Glue
  221. Ya'll didn't know I could turn pens too!
  222. New way to donate
  223. Hey Jerry
  224. the pens are reaching the troops
  225. First Shipment of Pens Away!!!
  226. Great donation for Riverbend and FPP
  227. Enclosing notes/sponsorship
  228. I have pen tubes.!!!
  229. Pen Tubes in the House !!!
  230. Anybody know about making CAMO Pens...
  231. New lathe in action
  232. Riverbend Thanks Duane and Becky PICS
  233. I thought it was Xmas
  234. The tubes are gone! I'll miss them! (sniff!)
  235. G.I. Joe pen
  236. Talked to the ROTC kids Thursday
  237. More kits shipped
  238. CA (super glue) Bulk Buy
  239. Camo pens..Rutland Plywood
  240. Important Donations Update
  241. Turn a Thon - Promo's
  242. Newspaper Photographer Visited My Shop
  243. Turn-A-Thon Eugene Oregon March 27th, 2004
  244. Camo pens
  245. Keep the wormhole? Lathe Q too.
  246. Here's Another 30
  247. Freedom Pens - Second Shipment Totals
  248. Feb 2004 Web Site Statistics for FP.org
  249. Great Contribution Received Today **PICS**
  250. First shipment going out!!!