- Freedom Pens, What Do You Think?
- Freedom Pens - General Information
- Pen Sleeves
- Getting the word out
- Lets Talk Materials
- Materials and/or kits needed
- Pens ready to go!
- Dimensions
- Who have you notified in the media....
- Web Site rough draft
- Kit dealers and prices
- My Thoughts on Freedom Pens
- Alternative materials for Freedom Pens
- Kits and Donated Blanks
- Wood blanks - I'll have a bunch soon
- web site question
- Some discounted $ kits available now
- Wooden Pen Blanks
- Pen Kit Bulk Buy Established
- Copywrite infringment
- Freedom Pen Website
- Woodcraft at Willow Lawn ...
- FT American Pen Kits
- Blanks ready for shipment
- Tulsa Woodcraft
- My First Freedom Pen Shipment
- Wood for pens
- durable finish for the pens.
- Supplier fills pen blank wood order in 1 day!
- Newspaper Op for south Ft Worth on Wed evening
- Pen Material Suggestion *PIC*
- Cut a few blanks this afternoon.
- Local Woodcraft
- Bulk Buy Pen Kit Update
- Kit request
- Very First Pens Received
- It was a good day!
- We really need a flyer!
- Flyer Ready
- Check out this publicity !!!!!!!
- Freedom Pens
- Freedom Pens...I want to help!
- Another Media Report - Long
- Pin Buttons!
- 700 Blanks Coming Soon...
- FRONT PAGE news article *pic*
- Shipping costs
- This REALLY drives it home Folks
- "The Power of The Press"
- Three Freedom Pens
- Thought & Ideas
- Finally turned some Freedom Pens
- media coverage
- Donation Question
- Shipping and Distribution
- The Last Liberty Tree Freedom Pens
- Easier Link News Article with *PICS**
- Some Freedom Pens
- Local Woodcraft comes through!
- Drill Press / Pen Mill deal
- Publicity
- Some Graphics You can use
- Making Donations Easier
- Freedom Pens Political Affiliations (Important)
- Kudos to Burleson Star and Ft. Worth Woodcraft!!!!!
- Printable Version of TV Report *Link*
- cheers to Knoxville Woodcraft
- Pen Kits at No Cost ***
- Middle School Activities
- Where to ship blanks?
- Monetary Donations
- Getting Started
- The Freedom Pens Project Merchandise
- Canadian Support.....
- Anybody want some Corian for Freedom Pens?
- New Freedom Pens
- Free Kits Update
- Freedom pens local promotion
- Peoples names with the pens
- Riverbends First 50
- Arizona wood show
- Way To Go Ken!!
- Visit to the Local WoodCraft
- This weeks publicity
- Houston Woodworking Show
- Pen Donation
- Freedom Rock
- Program Promoting *pic*
- Corian with bulk buy kits
- Donated Pens by Dave Peebles **PIC**
- Need Quick Help...CA Glue ?
- Rockler sale
- Excuse the pun
- Turn-a-thon Tulsa OK March 31st, 2004
- Shop time and a few pens today **PIC**
- Here's batch on the way to HRO
- Freedom Pens Card
- Media Kit Progress?
- Bulk Buy Kits Update - Please Read
- Free Kit Requesters - Please Read **
- Freedom Pen Program Update
- 1st attempt at a Freedom Pen
- Liberty Pens Arrived
- I have blanks if anyone needs some! (Julie's 1st)
- Special pen blanks
- Waymon Campbell Flyer
- Carolina Mountain Woodturners Club signs up
- High School kids sign on to sponsor!
- Kinda driving me nuts!!!!!!!
- New Flyer
- CA glue
- Yesterdays Progress
- Bulk Buy Kit update
- I have contacted DuPont.....
- First pen
- Will it Work?
- OK, I'm thinking outside the "box" here . . .
- Turn-A-Thon Norfolk VA March 13, 2004
- Discounted FT American Kits
- Turn-A-Thon Nashville TN
- Turn A Thon Charleston SC March 20th
- Pen Blanks starting to ship
- I received no feedback so I did it!
- freedompens.org
- Houston Woodworking Show / Freedom Pens
- Info on shipping tubes for pens
- Ca Glue Bulk Buy
- Charleston SC Post and Courier article
- trying to find
- New web page for FreedomPens.org and .us
- Local High School Fund Raising
- Another Turn-A-Thon - March 13th in Fort Worth
- Thank you Cleartec! Pen Tube Info.
- Corian Motherload Established
- Spread The Word
- More Pens Received
- The Reason
- Please check CA Orders
- I need a pen to give to my Soldier friend
- Freedom Pens Web Site Color Scheme
- Army Approves Us To Ship Pens
- Uncle Ken needs YOU!
- Corporate Donations....
- Pen Blanks still available
- Here's a detailed press release you can use.
- Will this pen work?
- Bulk Buy, Free Kits & Corian Update
- Ship your completed pens
- More Pens Received
- First Bulk Buy Shipments made today
- Got Pen Blanks
- If you're looking for a banner idea . . .
- Do it Ebay
- Hey Ken....Tube Lengths Please
- Crash & Burn.. or... Leave PR to the Pro's.
- Freedom Pen Hat
- Where is the FPP Cafe link ?
- Here's a poster I can edit for folks! - Julie look!
- Some Free Kits Shipped Today
- Corian Requests
- Drilling Blanks
- Joel's Pen Art Website
- Ca Order Placed
- The poster is posted . . . well, kinda!
- Blanks
- Woo-Hoo....another media article coming!!
- Woodcraft Corporate Bulletin Board Notice
- Charleston Turn A Thon
- I still have free Corian substitute and blanks!
- A "feel good" story
- So how do ya handle calls like.......
- Make a Freedom Pen Pledge
- Our first 25 pens
- WOW! Fort Worth Woodcraft is really coming through!
- I just hit another big haul of free blanks!
- Send Your Finished Pens ! ! ! !
- I increased the order for pen shipping tubes
- Whoopie - Bulk Buy parts should be here tomorrow PLEASE READ
- Feedback
- Craft Supplies USA Donation
- Freedom Pens First Shipment 02-23-04 (Totals)
- A few for the troops
- Pen Tube Shipments - I need addresses!
- 6 of my best
- Ahhhhhhhhh
- Free pen kit for a pen
- Smokey Mtn woodturners
- Mo blanks ready to be shipped
- Scout's Making Pens with the Capital Area Woodturners
- Corian Requests Update
- Ca Bulk Buy
- try again
- Turn-A-Thon Richmond Virginia June 12, 2004
- More Bulk Buys Shipped
- Berea Hardwoods Support of Freedom Pens
- The pen tubes are in the building!
- An extra bonus
- Heads up Penn State madrels
- Free Pen Kits Request
- New Pens
- Second CA Bulk buy
- I got pen kits.!!!!!
- I need the following addresses ASAP for pen tubes
- Knoxville Woodcraft Turn-a-Thon July 3rd 04
- Glue for Corian? and thanks to Berea
- Thanks Jerry Stringer 1st corian pen
- Twist Mechanisim 7mm
- Busy Weekend but got 20 pens done.
- I have extra Pen Tubes if you need some
- Bulk Buy and Free Kits Shipped Today
- Bulk Buy & Kit Recipients Please Read *****
- Our 100th Freedom Pen
- Delta Donation
- Got milk?
- words from Irag
- Finally Complete !!!
- I have the numbers for the Pen Tubes
- Turn A Thoners
- CA Glue
- Ya'll didn't know I could turn pens too!
- New way to donate
- Hey Jerry
- the pens are reaching the troops
- First Shipment of Pens Away!!!
- Great donation for Riverbend and FPP
- Enclosing notes/sponsorship
- I have pen tubes.!!!
- Pen Tubes in the House !!!
- Anybody know about making CAMO Pens...
- New lathe in action
- Riverbend Thanks Duane and Becky PICS
- I thought it was Xmas
- The tubes are gone! I'll miss them! (sniff!)
- G.I. Joe pen
- Talked to the ROTC kids Thursday
- More kits shipped
- CA (super glue) Bulk Buy
- Camo pens..Rutland Plywood
- Important Donations Update
- Turn a Thon - Promo's
- Newspaper Photographer Visited My Shop
- Turn-A-Thon Eugene Oregon March 27th, 2004
- Camo pens
- Keep the wormhole? Lathe Q too.
- Here's Another 30
- Freedom Pens - Second Shipment Totals
- Feb 2004 Web Site Statistics for FP.org
- Great Contribution Received Today **PICS**
- First shipment going out!!!