Fellow Creeker Scott Hubl asked for some details about this rack:
Tool Rack 1 (1000 x 750).jpg
The box is built from 1/2" birch ply. I assembled the base, the two ends, and the two back slats first. Rough dimensions: base piece 12x25, sides 12x12.
P1040170.jpgRocket Rack2.jpg
The tube rows are 12", 10", 8", and two rows of 6". I glued each row together with PVC cement.
Then I installed the 12" row and positioned the slats to get a tight friction fit. McFeely's screws locked the slats in place.
I repeated this for each row. I wanted to be able to remove the tubes to periodically blow out any shavings.
The finished unit has 65 tubes and holds a pile of tools. I keep skew chisels edge down for obvious reasons.
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