Quote Originally Posted by Harold Balzonia View Post
I really like these... super proportions.

this might be a dumb question: How do you hold the piece on the lathe to remove the tenon (or mortise) on the bottom when it comes time to finish the final shape? I assume maybe a jam chuck (which is what I usually use on these fragile pieces) but my pieces always have a large bowl opening. I've never tried the small opening, hollowing style so I'm curious how you mount the piece to finalize the turning.

thanks for sharing this!

Certainly not a dumb question.
I have a piece of wood that I leave on a face-plate for that job. Past the face-plate screws it is turned down to ~2" diameter and 8" long. If it will fit inside and reach the bottom of a piece, I use that for a jamb chuck. That worked for one of these two. If you use this method, hollow the end of the jamb chuck slightly so that the center does not touch (contact is a solid ring not just a point in the center).
I chucked a piece of 1-1/2" PVC pipe and used that for a jamb chuck (with a leather pad) for the other vessel.
If this explanation does not make sense, let me know and I will take pictures and/or draw up a sketch.