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Thread: Pet peeve with forums

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Helensburgh, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Yonak Hawkins View Post
    I found the answer to a posters question. It happened to be on another forum. What's the problem with posting that link which does the service of answering a question ? This is a pet peeve of mine. Other forums allow this practice with pleasure as it increases everyone's knowledge base.
    I agree with this whole heartedly 1000%. It is a real problem because some subjects are not discussed here at all and some knowledge resides in other fora believe it or not. This place is not the fount of all knowledge by a long shot despite what some may think.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    My pet peeve is any generic 'should I buy this?' Festool or Sawstop question.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yonak Hawkins View Post
    I found the answer to a posters question. It happened to be on another forum. What's the problem with posting that link which does the service of answering a question ? This is a pet peeve of mine. Other forums allow this practice with pleasure as it increases everyone's knowledge base.
    I think you will find it has to do with SMC not being able to moderate other forums. SMC has a high standard that not all forums have.
    Sometimes we see what we expect to see, and not what we are looking at! Scott

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Donley View Post
    I think you will find it has to do with SMC not being able to moderate other forums ....
    Who expects anyone to ? Everyone knows all forums are autonomous and one forum can't be responsible for the content of another. The practice only restricts access to knowledge for no defensible reason. I've heard this excuse before and it doesn't stand up to logic or common expectations.

  5. #20
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    Hayes, Virginia
    From our Terms of Sevice :

    3. Profanity

    Messages that contain explicit, vulgar, or obscene language will be removed or edited at the discretion of the Forum Moderators.

    We probably have the largest number of children and others in our Community who are here because we don't allow salty language, flaming and other types of disrespectful behavior. Linking to another forum, even though a thread may start out suitable for our younger Members can go south real quick. Its not just the language its often unfriendly behavior from immature people who lack civilized communication skills.

    I have addressed this topic a hundred times in detail, search my posts if you need more information.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Flaming forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten View Post
    ...We probably have the largest number of children and others in our Community who are here because we don't allow salty language, flaming and other types of disrespectful behavior. ...
    I for one very much appreciate this policy. I've avoided certain forums because of unpleasantness - there is simply no need for it.

    You may enjoy this: I was in communication with a gentleman about edge sharpness for turning tools and sent him a link to a sharpening thread here. After he read the messages here and poked around a bit he told me was amazed at how polite and respectful people were to each other, even when they disagreed. He said if I spent some time on some of the forums he frequents I'd see how the rest of the world operates. No thanks!

    There are in fact some other respectable forums but allowing links to one and not others would be a nightmare.

    Last edited by John K Jordan; 11-17-2017 at 12:27 PM. Reason: title

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Helensburgh, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Yonak Hawkins View Post
    Who expects anyone to ? Everyone knows all forums are autonomous and one forum can't be responsible for the content of another. The practice only restricts access to knowledge for no defensible reason. I've heard this excuse before and it doesn't stand up to logic or common expectations.
    Keith, could you please address this and explain the reasoning behind it.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Lewiston, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten View Post
    From our Terms of Sevice :

    3. Profanity

    Messages that contain explicit, vulgar, or obscene language will be removed or edited at the discretion of the Forum Moderators.

    We probably have the largest number of children and others in our Community who are here because we don't allow salty language, flaming and other types of disrespectful behavior. Linking to another forum, even though a thread may start out suitable for our younger Members can go south real quick. Its not just the language its often unfriendly behavior from immature people who lack civilized communication skills.

    I have addressed this topic a hundred times in detail, search my posts if you need more information.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    Keith, could you please address this and explain the reasoning behind it.
    Chris, Keith did address that with his comment just 2 above yours.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    When this forum was begun, after Badger Pond closed down, Many of the people that were on Badger Pond came here. It was that group of folks that had a say in what type of forum this would be. Keith was not heavy handed,insisting on having it his way. He solicited input, and the body of people responded.
    It has nothing to do with logic and common expectation. It has everything to do with respecting another persons opinion, and making them feel that no matter their level of ability, they are welcome and free to "ask the dumb question" without censure, and ridicule.


    No site will be the end all site. Each site will develop it's own personality.There simply is no singular "fount of knowledge". I am absolutely certain that people on this site, are also on other sites. Some even use their same name.
    I am curious as to an example of a subject hasn't been discussed here?

    Oh, my pet peeve;
    Statements of how "accurate" something is. It doesn't matter what it is.
    If the device, widget, or machine, is not NIST traceable, there is no accuracy component.
    Last edited by Mike Cutler; 11-18-2017 at 9:16 AM.
    "The first thing you need to know, will likely be the last thing you learn." (Unknown)

  10. #25
    Mike's got the right of it.

    From the first time I came here, I was impressed by the knowledge, kindness and politeness of people on SMC. As I was learning hand tools, people I was only recently acquainted with offerred to send me tools to try. (Steve Newman did this recently too. Bravo, Sir!) And I was immediately impressed by the Moderators here. They and Keith work hard to keep this place friendly and helpful. It was a big reason I started making a small contribution every year. My way of "voting with my wallet".

    The rules and moderation policies seem to cause a big row about once a year. We've lost some darn good members, especially the last time. But I'll take this friendly site over the wild west sites (like lumberjocks) any time. I can live without links to other forums. YMMV.

    Best wishes,
    Last edited by Frederick Skelly; 11-17-2017 at 8:20 PM. Reason: Deleted extraneous stuff.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post
    Chris, Keith did address that with his comment just 2 above yours.
    I still don't get it and think the reasoning is tenuous to say the least. Do you think that those who post here can't be trusted to link to sites that reflect the values of this one? I know I am talking to a brick wall as that is the only way that the policy can be defended and any extended conversation on this point has always been met with silence. You can't reason with a brick wall.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    I do not get the general complaining. Personally, I like this forum and how it is run. The rules are clear and maybe some do not care for them. Time to spend more effort on woodworking and less discussions about the rules.

  13. #28
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    I agree with Larry that the rules here are pretty clearly stated--and will point out that everyone who joins is acknowledging their agreement to abide by them when they click the button to become a community member. The TOS isn't perfect for sure, but it's worked well to keep this a friendly place where all are welcome and should feel comfortable. I also help moderate two other forums (non-woodworking) where some of the things that we enjoy not having to deal with here run rampant and it makes those forums less pleasurable to participate in as a result.

    And, of course, this digression about forum rules doesn't have much to do with the original premise in the OP.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  14. #29
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    I am not generally complaining, I am questioning one specific aspect of the forum policy, nothing is perfect in this world and sometimes things can be changed for the better. I see no difference in the general behaviour of members here than anywhere else to tell the truth. I have never experienced or seen behaviour in other WW fora that would be termed offensive except for one very obscure forum which I don't think exists any longer.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    I still don't get it and think the reasoning is tenuous to say the least. Do you think that those who post here can't be trusted to link to sites that reflect the values of this one? I know I am talking to a brick wall as that is the only way that the policy can be defended and any extended conversation on this point has always been met with silence. You can't reason with a brick wall.
    Seems to me that Keith's post was quite well reasoned and not at all like a brick wall. It certainly hasn't been a case of silence. You, on the other hand, have offered only your discontent with the policy and an entirely unworkable alternate thesis that the admin should trust all the posters to the forum to self-police their actions. That seems a bit strained to me. The forum is moderated for very good reasons.
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    Jim Waldron

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