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Thread: What equipment do I need

  1. What equipment do I need

    Been thinking for a very long time about helping out with the FPP. I've just ordered a pen mandrel and now I'm wondering what other equipment I will need. I already have the lathe and a drill press. I do have ways of cutting blanks. Please whatever info you can provide would be great.


    PS - I'm currently in the Air Force and I think that this is an excellent way of showing our support.

  2. #2
    I'll try and start at the beginning of making a pen and go through it step by step so as not to forget anything you absolutely couldn't live without.
    I will try and point out the items that would be nice to have but not absolutely necessary to complete a pen.

    forst blank cutting, obviously material to cut. you mention you have ways to cut them. then their are safe ways to cut them. I have both band saw and table saw but have opted to relly on those that are providing pre cut blanks for this project. I still have to cut them to length once they arrive. which I do an either the table saw or the band saw. something as simple as a hand saw and miter box would also get the job done.

    You have the drill press. I will assume you will make slimlines. so you will need a 7mm drill bit. in the event you are making other types of pens. make sure of the drill bit sizes needed for them. nothing more frostrating than having waited on the kits only to have to wait again for the right bits.

    Glue of your preference, I personally like Poly for woods and epoxy for everything else. for a hurry up job thick CA is recommended by many. i don't trust myself to be quick enough for using the CA. I have in a pinch but I wasted a couple of blanks as well.

    end mill, Barrel trimmer, disk sander, or some other method to square the end of the blank with the brass tube.

    Bushings for the type of pen you intend to make. If you are making Slimlines the bushings that came with your mandrel work for that pen. all other pen styles have their own bushings.

    sandpaper. starting at about 150 or 220 grit depending on your skill with a skew. and going up to 400 or better yet 600 grit.
    Micro mesh is the best way I know of to get a fantastic finish but 600 grit actually gets you to the minimum in polishing and starts to bring out any catoyance in the wood.

    CA Glue for both filling and using as the finish woudl also be nice but not absolutely necessary. If you are interested in this their are several places to get the details of these processes.

    wax or polish of soem kind. i like both Hut Crystal coat over CA. or Shellawax from P.S.I.
    I've used Shellawax over bare wood. it is O.K. but being wax it eventually gets absorbed by the wood if their is not some kind of sealer on the wood. Which CA does.

    a press to assemble the pen parts. your drill press works well by making a small plug type tool to use as the ramming surface. I made mine out of wood with an acrylic piece glued on the end that will be pressing the parts. It's simple a wood dowl that can be chucked in the drill press.

    Bare bones crash list is about all this is. their are many versions and upgrades to every step in the process. Endless discussion can be made as to just what material, polish or sandpaper etc. is the best. as is usually the case. but this will get you going and allow you to get that first pen finished with out running into something that is lacking.

    the two simples and yet greatest improments you can make to the finished item is 1. a sealer such as CA glue, and Micro Mesh to polish the pen with. one set of micro mesh has lated me over a year without showing any sign of wearing out.

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