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Thread: Left lane

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Highland MI
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    Left lane

    Lord, give me patience and understanding for those folks that drive needlessly in the left lane. Amen
    NOW you tell me...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Doylestown, PA
    "You got a deed for that left lane? You seem to think you own it" What irritates me as much is people seeming to drive in formation. The driver in the left lane will drive neither faster or slower than the traffic in the right lane but blocks both lanes. I'm not sure if that's on purpose or not, sometimes I suspect it is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Eastern Iowa
    Another pet peeve…. drivers that s l o w to 40 to merge onto the 70mph interstate in the on-ramp.
    Comments made here are my own and, according to my children, do not reflect the opinions of any other person... anywhere, anytime.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Southwest US
    I was trying to merge into freeway traffic and this guy (and it was a guy, not a woman) in the traffic lane kept even with me, wouldn't let me merge.
    I saw him look at me so I know he knew I was there.
    I slowed down to let him get ahead of me so I could enter, and he slowed down.
    The I thought OK, I'll just speed up and get in ahead of him.
    Nope. He sped up just enough to stay even with me.
    I finally ran out of "Merge lane" and to slow way down and until I could enter in a break in traffic.
    I don't understand people like that.
    "What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing.
    It also depends on what sort of person you are.”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    People that drive 10 mph under the posted speed limit bug me. It's worse when they clog the left lane doing it.

    I firmly believe we need to have a big sharp spike in the center of the steering wheel.
    It can be activated remotely by the person stuck behind one of these idiots.

    When the button is pushed, the seatbelt tightens real tight, a cell phone call goes out to the next of kin so they can bid farewell, the auto pilot feature takes over so the car can slow and move to the curb - then the spike extends and sticks the idiot in the chest - and places a call for road service to come and pick up the car.

    I know it never will happen - but - I do fell better thinking about it when I'm stuck by one of these idiots.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  6. #6
    I came up with an idea for peer driver feedback.

    Vehicles would have a small LED panel on the back with a receiver, and drivers could have a two- button clicker, like a TV remote.

    Up votes and down votes would influence the color of the panel, so you could see at a glance whether the vehicle was judged to be well or poorly driven.

    Possibly drivers would try to improve if they got a poor rating, but at least others would know when to use increased caution.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    In California the #1 lane is the high speed lane. Pull into #2 if someone is coming up on your tail. get more then five? cars behind you and pull over to let them pass. Pullout lanes are sometimes available in the mountains.That one is not enforced in high traffic areas just in the country.
    To me it is odd that California has a basic highway rule that is not used in other states, being that California has influenced car culture around the world. I suppose we have so many packed freeways we do not have room or more money to add a new lane to every road.
    Does this mean all highways in other states are a minimum of two lanes in each direction? What a waste.
    Bill D

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    Ages ago, some comedian (George Carlin?) suggested all drivers be issued a ration (to prevent misuse) of "stupid" darts and a dart gun. If a car accumulated x or more stupid darts, the cops would pull them over and give them a ticket. Not practical in these days with so many folks with bad judgement out there, but I like the idea.

    My personal pet peeve are the a-@#$#s who ride your butt when you are clearly and safely passing a line of slower traffic, but you are not doing it fast enough for them.
    --I had my patience tested. I'm negative--

  9. #9
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    I am most annoyed on my local 5 lane (two each way plus a center turn lane) which I have been driving almost daily for 40 years. I've seen 7 cars lined up in the left lane going 5 under with no one in the right lane. I don't get it. Very often I see them start in the right lane, no traffic and they can't wait to move into the passing lane. Maybe they are going to turn left, of course I am ok with that, but 9 times out of 10 they just camp out there. My rule of thumb is if they are at +7 mph they (including me) can camp out in the passing lane as long as they are making ground on those in the right lane. But then +7 is my speed limit, traffic permitting. I just feel real uncomfortable if I feel I am holding up traffic. BTW, I absolutely love my adaptive cruise control.
    NOW you tell me...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Velasquez View Post
    Another pet peeve…. drivers that s l o w to 40 to merge onto the 70mph interstate in the on-ramp.
    I've seen worse, people drive to the end of the merge lane and stop waiting for a break in traffic to pull out. Not seen it often, perhaps those they have done it don't survive long.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Ole Anderson View Post
    Lord, give me patience and understanding for those folks that drive needlessly in the left lane. Amen
    They wouldn't last long on the Autobahn in Germany.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Dufour View Post
    In California the #1 lane is the high speed lane. Pull into #2 if someone is coming up on your tail. get more then five? cars behind you and pull over to let them pass. Pullout lanes are sometimes available in the mountains.That one is not enforced in high traffic areas just in the country.
    To me it is odd that California has a basic highway rule that is not used in other states, being that California has influenced car culture around the world. I suppose we have so many packed freeways we do not have room or more money to add a new lane to every road.
    Does this mean all highways in other states are a minimum of two lanes in each direction? What a waste.
    Bill D
    Here is the law in BC. This applies to B.C. highways with two or more lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction and a posted speed limit of 80 km/h or greater.

    Driving in the left lane is not permitted unless a motorist is:

    • overtaking and passing another vehicle.
    • moving left to allow traffic to merge.
    • preparing for a left hand turn
    • passing a stopped official vehicle displaying red, blue or yellow flashing lights (for example, police cars, ambulances, tow trucks, maintenance or construction vehicles)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    I know some states have laws about left lane driving. Indiana does. I think it is now a law in Illinois. I saw in Missouri a couple times on one of the electronic traffic info billboards this saying. "Camp in the Ozarks not the left lane". Left lane drivers bug me as well. If you aren't passing and you are under the speed limit as well then get over in the right lane. Exceptions are non interstate and left turn approaching and here we have Scott's law (move over or slow down for ANY emergency, maintenance, or personal vehicle with flashers on). Here's a link for left lane driving laws by state.

    If they force the 68 mile an hour speed limit on all new large trucks it will really become a logjam. It's already bad enough. You encounter a truck running (governed for example 65 and another that may also be governed the same but whether it's lighter, it has slightly larger drive tires, or is slightly more aerodynamic is attempting to pass. 3 miles down the road it's a half a trailer length ahead. There are 30 vehicles lined up behind it and everyone is impatient. If you can't pass then stay in line. These scenarios will lead to aggressive driving and road rage. Count on it. Now I will get off my soap box.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Dufour View Post
    In California the #1 lane is the high speed lane. Pull into #2 if someone is coming up on your tail. get more then five? cars behind you and pull over to let them pass. Pullout lanes are sometimes available in the mountains.That one is not enforced in high traffic areas just in the country.
    To me it is odd that California has a basic highway rule that is not used in other states, being that California has influenced car culture around the world. I suppose we have so many packed freeways we do not have room or more money to add a new lane to every road.
    Does this mean all highways in other states are a minimum of two lanes in each direction? What a waste.
    Bill D
    Many states have "Slower Traffic Keep Right" signs. Some even have signs about having to pull over if there are more than five cars following.

    The problem is enforcement. There are many higher priorities than pulling over someone not being able to get out of the way of those who would like to at least do the speed limit. That happens often around here on a highway with a 55MPH limit and someone barely doing 45. On the same road logging trucks with a full load will be pushing 60.

    Many years ago my vehicle was a 1957 VW bus. About the only time it could do the speed limit on the highway was when the national speed limit was 55MPH or it was going downhill. The right lane was my preferred lane unless there was a need to move left for an exit or make it easier for traffic coming on to the highway. More than once when traffic was light someone would get on my back end and stay there. My response was to merge left. A couple times they passed on the right and honked at me. Some people should not be on the road.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    The situation that bugs me the most is on 2 lane (1 in each direction) that has a passing lane for one direction often when the road design doesn't allow passing for a distance or there is a grade involved. People poke along in the 2 lane section of the highway and when you think you'll get safely by when a passing lane is encountered they speed up, often over the limit, for the duration of the passing lane. This makes it difficult to get by (legally).

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