Not opposed to going to salvage store, would likely find lots of things to buy. I saw a box of crystal doorknobs at an estate sale I had difficulty not buying.

In this case I wanted some cheap picture frames, kids swim goggles, and gluten free cheeseburger helper, so I ended up at Walmart.

01 4x4 photos frames.jpg

These 4x4 frames were not on their website but on the shelf for $0.88. They were glass so I didn’t have to get a larger size and cut it down, which is good because I’ve never cut glass before. I did have to widen the mortises to get the glass to fit.

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Then I cut some scrap plywood to use as a backer. I’m not sure how I’ll fix it all in place. Picture frames have those things you twist with your fingers, but I don’t have any. The current plan is to use screws with wide heads. It might make the frame not sit well against the wall. We’ll see how it goes. Honestly duct tape would probably work.

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For the middle of the frame I will add a carving. Decided on the dog’s name, Ula, and a heart. I am a beginner carver so can’t do anything advanced. They will just be incised lines, no recessed background or multiple layers or stippling or anything. I’ve done letters before with mixed success.

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I thought it would be a good idea to practice first, so I found a small piece of walnut. At first I tried to tape the paper to the wood and carve through. That didn’t start well so I incised the center lines with a utility knife and removed the paper. I didn’t mark the sides or the serifs, just the center lines. A knife line on walnut is hard to see, the light has to hit it just right. I will print another picture as reference and eyeball the finer details.

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If the practice carving goes ok I will carve the picture frame and be mostly done except for the finishing and mounting. Will have to remember to sand/scrape _before_ carving, it’s harder to do after and might mess up the details.