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Thread: climatis experts

  1. #1

    climatis experts

    years back I used to cut the lawn at times for an elderly neighbour or his son in law other times. From cutting the lawn saw two Clematis left for dead. When the home was sold asked a daughter if I could dig them up and she said yes and I put them in a place where all the daughters can see them when they drive by.

    Both were Jackmani and nearly dead. They were dug up in hot in august and sat in a bucket of water for a few days and then planted. Told worst time. they didnt care and came to life. At the end of the second season one died so I got another same and put it beside it.

    This year one that was 10 feet long and not trimmed fall and brown and dead has now sprouted 3/4 the way up despite all the dead on it and is just now starting to throw a few shuts out ground level. I dont know to do other than cut it down and try to root the growing parts if possible. I can also leave it but it looks weird with all the dead then green way up.

    The other that was dead is now growing from the bottom even though all the old brown is there. I think cutting that one down makes sense as there is not green higher up in any place. from what I could tell there are 3 types of Climates and they are cropped at different times of the year depending.

    I can find some photos, the left side one is 10 feet of dark brown old dead shrivelled leaves then 7 feet up two feet of green then same dead to the end.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    McKean, PA
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    I'm not a Clematis expert, but I do live in a northern part of the US. Our Clematis dies back every winter and will come back from the old vines if the winter isn't too cold. In really cold years, it doesn't always come back from the vines but it does come back from the roots. Some years it does both.

    Last fall I discovered a vine growing up through out Star Magnolia bush. I carefully removed it and dug it up. It spent the winter in our basement with occasional watering in a pot. The vine has now been planted outdoors and is sprouting out all along the length of the vine.
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
    Go Navy!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    I've had several, and killed a few. I'd leave it alone for the year and let it recover on its own. It can use the old brown vines to climb on. Mine die back every winter too, and sometimes I cut away the brown stuff and other times just leave it. It grows so fast, the brown stuff gets covered up quickly.
    Last edited by Stan Calow; 05-06-2024 at 8:11 AM.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  4. #4
    ILl have to check and see when I did put it in for sure. Times flies and the one that died is coming back. I either have to leave the left one that has all the sprouting part way up and dead all other places. For climbing i built each of them a trellis when I first put them in. They will get some attention later today.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    Climate? I understand frost will cause it to die back aboveground.
    Bill D

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Columbia MO & Grafton NH
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    I always liked the instruction the Gardner at our favorite garden center gave for Clematis,
    "Feet in the shade, Head in the sun". They die back in the winter at our place. I have one that goes through cycles of scraggly some years and pretty on other years.

    I a propagated a Wisteria for my Mom a few years ago, She sent me this Video this morning. The woody Wisteria vines survive the winter here and easily get out of control.

  7. #7
    According to my Pruning Made Easy book by Lewis Hill, it states the Jackmanii blooms on current year's growth. It says for kinds that bloom on wood that grows that year, prune them back to about 1 to 1 1/2 feet in early spring as they start their second year. It also says they seem to do best on the east or northeast side of the house where it only has morning sun and avoids hot afternoon sun on the roots and lower stems.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  8. #8
    thanks Mike I had approached them and came in and saw your post. There were originally two one each side of a door. Told neither will make it they did then towards the end of the season the ritht one packed it in and I bought a small one to put beside it to take over same time. This year didnt get to it and left guy 3/4 up on all the dead started shooting out leaves and see buds. So yesterday I cut all the dead leaves off and the fine branches that wrap onto others. I also cut the last two feet of dead off as saw nothing on their growing. Today ill tie it up better as its likely still 8 feet long or more. the right one that was dead I cut off to one foot tall. I see two leaves trying but its not stellar. The back up beside it is growing happily so today ill run strings to the trellas there and it will follow up. Now id like to figure out how to get that right original one to be happier and grow.

    Maybe on the left one I should have cut it off as you said then taken all the growth up top and tried rooting hormone but im thinking ill leave it. They have special containters for propogating offcuts with water that runs and makes a mist and they root faster and better with those. You can make them as well from a rubbermaid I just too outside work to do that now

    Thanks on that info. i did what you said before your post on the right side. If I become convinced that i can propogate left side then ill cut off on the ground to your numbers and let it grow same as the right side as now I have 8 feet left side and one foot right side for now.

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