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Thread: Looking for wiring diagram for 2001 Agazzani Rapid 600 Bandsaw

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Cental Vermont

    Looking for wiring diagram for 2001 Agazzani Rapid 600 Bandsaw


    I am looking for a wiring diagram for a 2001 Agazzani "Rapid" 600 Bandsaw. If anyone has one, please let me know! I am trying to determine if there is a specific sequence to start this saw, if there is a problem with the way it's wired or if if one of the controls is broken. I bought this saw last year and according to the seller, it was never used. My electrician and I cannot figure out how to get the motor to start.

    I have this machine hooked up to a Kay Industries MA-2 "Phasemaster" phase converter. This is a 10 HP converter rated to start/run a 2 to 10 HP motor.
    When I turn on the converter, an orange light goes on at the switches indicating there is power to the saw.

    I am confused by the switch configuration on the saw. There is a lower switch and an upper switch. The lower switch has 2 positions O and l, and seems to need to be in position l to start the saw. I know the emergency off button and the micro-switches on the doors are working, because when any of these 3 are engaged, the lower switch returns to position O from position l.

    The upper switch has 3 positions. At 9 o'clock is a position for what seems to be an electromagnetic brake, at 12 o'clock is position "0" and at 3 o'clock is position "1". The upper switch cannot be turned to the 9 o'clock/brake position without being pushed in first, but can be turned freely between the 0 and 1 positions. With power to the saw, if I turn the upper switch from position "0" to "1" the electromagnetic brake on the back of the motor moves from engaged to disengaged, so at "0" the is brake engaged, and at "1" the brake is disengaged. However, whatever I do with the switches, there is no power getting to the motor. I have no idea what the 9 o'clock position even does.

    It might be worth noting that the lower switch can only be turned to position l if the upper switch is in position "0". If the upper switch is in the 9 o'clock/brake or "1" positions, the lower switch cannot be turned from the 0 to l position.

    With no load the voltage of L3 from the converter is high at 270 volts, I'm wondering if this is causing a problem with the controls.
    There are fuses in the control box, we checked these and they are fine.

    I'm totally stumped. If anyone has any advice, please let me know. Thanks for your time!

    -Andrew Russell Agazzani Rapid 600 Specifications.jpgAgazzani Rapid 600 Switch.jpgAgazzani Rapid 600 Switch 2.jpgAgazzani Rapid 600 Switch 3.jpgAgazzani Rapid 600 Motor Brake Engaged.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    switch position are not zero and one. They are binary I and O. On and off to us non computer types.
    I believe some Italian bandsaws use a motor with no internal starting switch. User has to turn on power to the motor and then push and hold a start button until it comes to speed. Then the start switch is released until next startup.
    Some of this may be interlocked and relay logic does it for you. No moving switch inside the motor at all. The start windings have to come out of the motor and be connected to the external switch gear. There may be a run capacitor but there will be no start capacitor.
    BilL D

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Waterford, PA
    Have you searched for the diagram online? Google found a post on SMC with a copy of the start circuit posted. Will that give you what you need?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ouray Colorado
    I had a Aggazini 900 with the same arrangement. I believe that is called a star delta starter. It’s been a while but I think you have to turn the bottom switch on first then the top one to the right to start. It’s like a soft start. Turning the switch the other way releases the brake for blade changes. Maybe you have to push it in also.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Cental Vermont
    Thanks for all of your replies. It makes sense that the upper switch would have a third position to release the brake for blade changes. I will repost when I have solved the issue. I suppose there is a chance that it is just a bad switch. Thanks again

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