View Poll Results: Would you borrow a tool from someone?

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  • Sure - why not?

    9 12.68%
  • Never. If I needed something, I'd buy or rent it.

    10 14.08%
  • Maybe. Depends on the person and the tool.

    52 73.24%
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Thread: Would you - borrow a tool?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    I have borrowed tools and when I do or have, it always came back in good shape. One time a neighbor loaned me so pruning shears and I broke them. I bought a better pair to replace them and gave them to him. I seldom borrow tools these days and I loan tools to a small group of friends and family. What tools I will loan to a given person depends on that person.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  2. #32
    Look at the tools the prospective borrower has. If they're good quality and well maintained, I'd be more willing to lend him/her a tool of mine.

    When the Domino came out, I borrowed one from a friend of mine to see if I wanted to buy one. Used it enough to get a feel for it, and bought one. Returned his clean and in good shape.

    I was doing a woodworking favor for a friend (at his house) and I realized I had forgotten a saw. He pulled out one he had and said "Here, use this." I said, "No, I prefer to use my own tools." and went home and got mine. As you could guess, his saw was typical garage junk.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Highland MI
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    I don't have any friends that have a tool I don't.
    NOW you tell me...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    Not everybody learned that kindergarten rule about returning borrowed things in as good or better shape than you got it. So you have to judge the person asking. But it is hard to turn down family.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Ole Anderson View Post
    I don't have any friends that have a tool I don't.
    Me neither. The thought of needing to borrow a tool doesn't compute.

  6. #36
    Only if I can afford to replace it if I break it. A lot of times it is an excuse, instead of borrowing, to buy another tool!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    First I don’t borrow tools. I either buy or rent. I don’t generally lend either. Family are particularly difficult. It seems you are greedy if you don’t help family. I do have 2 neighbors I will lend to. The first question I ask is “What are you trying to accomplish.”
    I may or may not have the appropriate tool to successfully do the work required. The neighbors I’m talking about now ask “Do you have a tool that can do this job”. Most problems arise from a tool being inadequate or improper for the work involved. I was beaten up enough in the past that I feel no guilt at all about saying no. I do have a kit of tools expansive enough to do nearly any work. Those tools are for me bought by me for my convenience and no one else.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    N CA
    I borrowed a tool a couple years ago and returned it with a gift. As to lending, It depends upon the tool and the borrower. Some tools will never be loaned out without me going to do the job.

  9. #39
    I suggest looking at the condition of rented tools and see if you want to "lend" yours to someone.

    As James Pallas mentioned, you almost need to know what someone is goig to do with the tool before you agree to lend it out. Many don't know there are specialty tools for specific jobs beyond what they see in the box stores.

    Borrowing, I just don't, I would rather own a new tool or figure out a way to accomplish the task with what I have.
    I know how I feel about my tools and that's why I don't ask.
    i can't remember the last time I used or borrowed someone else's tool/s, has to be over 20 years ago and they were usually just on the other side of the shop.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Madison, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by John Lanciani View Post
    One of my best and most enduring friendships was formed almost 30 years ago when I lent a complete stranger (a new neighbor at the time) a Sawzall and an extension cord. Tools are simply relpacable objects, how we treat fellow humans can change the course of our lives.
    John, I had the same experience about 20 years ago. My neighbor/now friend and I share tools (he was a contractor, I am a woodworker) and its worked out great as we always take care of each others stuff. I lent my dump trailer to him last year and he kept it 4 months when remodeling his own house....had a flat tire (he fixed it).....battery went dead (he replaced it)....I agree, it's just stuff. The best part of the deal was a new friendship.

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