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Thread: How perfect should we expect tools to be?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Mechanicsburg, PA
    Yeah, but they don't show the lid of the box, which has Chestnut Tools on it in silver, nor does the word import, or People’s Republic of China appear on the product page (though for some reason, I was aware they were imported).

    Ah well, looking forward to my Plane Screwdriver and Pocket Marking Gauge (though I'm wondering if I should've gotten the 3-in-1 Brass Marking Gauge instead).

    And, I should find an Elemen'tary No. 1 Screwdriver waiting for me at home.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by William Adams View Post
    Yeah, but they don't show the lid of the box, which has Chestnut Tools on it in silver, nor does the word import, or People’s Republic of China appear on the product page (though for some reason, I was aware they were imported).
    Perhaps it's just the pessimist in me, but I tend to presume all items are Chinese unless there is written evidence to the contrary. Most retailers of items not made in China will gladly advertise that fact.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Corvallis, Oregon
    True, ten years later here in June 10, 2023, but I have bought some Chestnut tools that impressed me and that I still cherish. I almost bought the Chestnut Perfect Handle screwdriver set but now am glad I did not. I believe that Lee Valley no longer sells the Chestnut brand.

  4. #19
    Just as in the recent thread (Am I the Jerk Here?), You should expect what you paid for, no more, no less.
    Loose parts, poor fit and finish should be unacceptable in all but bargain basement price points.
    Good customer service is nice but you should not have to need it as often as we seem to these days.

    The only way to change is to speak up and tell them you're not satisfied. There are plenty of other vendors that will gladly take your money.
    Brand loyalty only lasts as long as the brands quality.

  5. #20
    The saying is you get what you pay for. Sayings are nothing more than that

    having dabbled in different crafts ive got lots of tools for them, ive modified stuff that should have worked better, told manufacturers who have changed their stuff,.

    My 500.00 tool belt is cut and modified 5 -10 times.

    trimmer issues on one common sense my usual barrage of emails then new product with good changes and and

    My saying is "you get what you paid for, Hopefully"

    Then we can get onto used stuff and how its represented compared to what it really is.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have reached a point with China made products, I am not buying them when I can avoid it. Problems with Barcalounger chairs, frost free sillcocks, etc... Brian

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Runau View Post
    I have reached a point with China made products, I am not buying them when I can avoid it. Problems with Barcalounger chairs, frost free sillcocks, etc... Brian
    The only thing is, it's not China who's at fault.
    It's the greedy American company that want's more profit, so they outsource to a less expensive labor market and all but forget about quality control.
    The Chinese only make what they're contracted to make and they can make anything you ask them to, so why the low quality? Maybe ask the parent company.
    If your favorite tool brand starts making things in China, no problem, if the quality slips, problem.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Weber View Post
    The only thing is, it's not China who's at fault.
    It's the greedy American company that want's more profit, so they outsource to a less expensive labor market and all but forget about quality control.
    The Chinese only make what they're contracted to make and they can make anything you ask them to, so why the low quality? Maybe ask the parent company.
    If your favorite tool brand starts making things in China, no problem, if the quality slips, problem.
    Yes, it's the price/quality specs set by the company purchasing from the Chinese manufacturer. If the Chinese can make things for their space program and the other high-tech stuff they sure can make something as simple as a woodworking tool or domestic items of good quality.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    Oh no, I just gave a set of these screwdrivers as a gift to a friend. They looked good in the box, but I did not inspect them.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Riddle View Post
    Perhaps it's just the pessimist in me, but I tend to presume all items are Chinese unless there is written evidence to the contrary. Most retailers of items not made in China will gladly advertise that fact.
    Absolutely. Although I dont always assume that Chinese means poor quality, just cheaper.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  11. #26
    more to it than just tool quality. They dont have a good track record for Fentenyal, wiggers and used to run a full shift making knock offs auto parts and more. Sam Cooper wrote the book wilful blindness, not read it but sure some of that is in there from radio shows ive heard of him talking about it. he been investigating I think back to 2015.

    I end up doing a ton of tree work and using these Felco #2 (swiss) trimmers, each time is a joy. I could have got something for a quarter the price but rather not support them.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Cambridge Vermont
    It's not just tools. When I hit my 10 years working for the company I'm at now they gave me a list of options for a gift. One of them was a nice set of flatware that the wife liked. It was name brand (can't remember the name now) so that's what I picked. It was complete junk. Several of the forks were cut wrong. The tines (or prongs) were cut wrong to they came to a sharp point. Several people poked themselves with them so recycled the set. The steak knives had plastic handles and the blades loosened up after a year or so. We already had a much nicer set so these were only used when we had lots of company over and needed extras. As the blades loosened up I would toss the knife. When I was down to 3 I tossed the rest. I don't think being made in China is the problem. I think it's a lack of good quality control. China will make anything you want in what ever quality you want. The better the quality the more it costs.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    I believe there is a USA law that any advertising has to state country of origin. No one seems to enforce that law.
    Bill D

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Dufour View Post
    I believe there is a USA law that any advertising has to state country of origin. No one seems to enforce that law.
    Bill D

    it seems like the best you get these days is the "assembled in USA from global sources"

    It would be nice to know where products come from for many different reasons.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Southwest US
    With Lee valley I've noticed that if it made in Canada or Japan it says so (did someone already mention this?)
    But if no CC is listed I ask, because the [unmentioned] COO isn't always China or Taiwan; sometimes it's India or Pakistan.
    And for all I know they may even use Mexico.
    "What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing.
    It also depends on what sort of person you are.”

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