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Thread: What is this? (again)

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Houston TX
    Jim, your brother might have sold the set of sterling as a set or by the piece, or salvage the $15+/ounce, not a bad ROI.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    Jerry, I doubt a one-off exposure will do you in, but if you haven't already, do a thorough cleaning of the area and clean up all the dust you can for disposal, so there is no chance of further breathing or ingestion of the lead contaminated dust.

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Bailey View Post
    Allow me to set the record straight: "Lead Sled" is NOT a derisive term for a beat up car that has been patched with lead. (on the other hand "bondo buggy" IS such a term.)
    A "Lead Sled" is a typically post-war car whose body lines have been heavily modified/customized using large amounts of lead to smooth the sheet metal transtions.
    Among the more popular operations: "chopped top" -- removing sections of the roof pillar to lower the top; "channeled" -- lowering the body over the frame; "frenched" -- recessing headlights, tailights, etc.
    In addition, these cars often have all trim and emblems removed, often have arrays of louvers punched in trunk or deck lids, etc.
    Several aircraft also shared the nickname "Lead Sled". My favorite was the F-105 (proof that with enough horsepower, a brick WILL fly). - - nothing at all to do with lead/tin solder!

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