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Thread: Site Change? Sap Veins or ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Site Change? Sap Veins or ??

    Help needed here. I have a photo I'd like to ask questions about.. but, I don't see a method of posting one here. I see no icons on the page like a paper clip or any other. I may not have permissions.. but, I don't remember a text only page

    I have a piece of wood I bought from a friend. I believe it is Burbinga... as the only two darker woods I've bought from him are Burbinga and Wenge.. I think this wood is too light for Wenge.. so.. Burbinga.

    My question is this wood has some thin yellow streaks that run thru it.. I'm guessing it is resin/sap. Before I finish turning the piece to size I'd love to be able to dissolve this material. What can be used? I have tried mineral spirits.. While I haven't soaked it.. I put some on a rag and it doesn't seem to soften it. Also tried the same process with Acetone.


    Thanks, Bill
    Last edited by Bill Splaine; 11-16-2017 at 7:50 PM. Reason: "technical help"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Dallas, TX
    I doubt that what you are seeing is pure sap. That being said, the best solvent for wood sap is Turpentine. It is distilled from pine sap and is pretty good at dissolving all things from trees. d-limonene distilled from Citrus peels is also a good solvent for most sticky things. It sure smells better than any other solvent that I can think of.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Bill - photos would certainly help. Please check out this link on how to post photos. If you have any questions, please ask any moderator or actually - any member here should be able to assist.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Splaine View Post
    Help needed here. I have a photo I'd like to ask questions about.. but, I don't see a method of posting one here. I see no icons on the page like a paper clip or any other. I may not have permissions.. but, I don't remember a text only page

    I have a piece of wood I bought from a friend. I believe it is Burbinga... as the only two darker woods I've bought from him are Burbinga and Wenge.. I think this wood is too light for Wenge.. so.. Burbinga.

    My question is this wood has some thin yellow streaks that run thru it.. I'm guessing it is resin/sap. Before I finish turning the piece to size I'd love to be able to dissolve this material. What can be used? I have tried mineral spirits.. While I haven't soaked it.. I put some on a rag and it doesn't seem to soften it. Also tried the same process with Acetone.

    When you create or reply to a message do you see this little "Insert Image" icon?

    If so, click it and you will get a dialog which will let you upload a photo from your computer:

    You can first upload them in to an album but I think you have to be a "Contributor" instead of a "Member" (The minimum contribution is so inexpensive it's practically free - but it helps keep the lights on!)

    As for your question, I've seen a lot of streaks in wood but not yet in Bubinga. From most of the Bubinga I have I wouldn't consider it a "darker" wood, most of it is lighter with some pinkish or reddish brown color but like many woods it varies a lot. I made this handle for 5/8" tools from Bubinga:
    Is your wood heavy? Bubinga is generally a little heavier than Wenge.

    I would also doubt what you are seeing is sap/resin if it is an exotic hardwood like Bubinga. I've seen a lot of resin in some tropical woods but inside the pores, not in streaks. Cocobolo is one whose pores appear to be packed with an amber resin. But those pores are so tiny they'd be nearly invisible on the sides of the wood. Softwood species like pine do contain pockets and sometimes streaks of resin, but they are usually sticky until "set" with heat in a kiln. I've seen a lot of crazy streaks and weird figure in different woods, most of them probably due to mineral deposits or insect damage. Are there lots of long streaks or just a few? Could the light streaks you are seeing be from insect tracts? Can you easily dig out any material with a sharp pointed tool?

    But if there are streaks big enough to be bothersome and you could dissolve what is in them, wouldn't that leave channels of voids on the surface?

    Maybe see if you can upload a photo now.


  5. #5
    A great image editing program that you can use to resize the pixel dimensions as well as compress the file size is GIMP. Not only that, but it's also free.

    If you are using an iPad or other mobile device, there are a number of free apps for resizing images. I am using one called SimpleResize.

    From your verbal description, it sounds like the wood might be Bocote which has a very distinctive variegated appearance.


    If you don't like it, I'll gladly dispose of it at no charge other than shipping, of course.
    Last edited by Bill Boehme; 11-17-2017 at 3:59 AM. Reason: Update with additional information.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Boehme View Post
    A great image editing program that you can use to resize the pixel dimensions as well as compress the file size is GIMP. Not only that, but it's also free.

    If you are using an iPad or other mobile device, there are a number of free apps for resizing images. I am using one called SimpleResize.
    GIMP is great. I use Photoshop or Photoshop elements, but they are not free.

    There are some free on-line resizing options. Our friend Ellis recommends Picresize

    He wrote out instructions:
    1. Go to the home page.
    2. Hit the browse button and select your picture.
    3. Click the little "Quick resize" text link under the browse box.
    4. Set the Custom size to a width of 800 px and the Max file size to 100Kb
    5. Click the big "Quick resize my Picture!" button.
    6. When the page changes, select View Image, to make sure your picture looks the way you want it to look.
    7. Then come back to the page and click Save to Disk. The resized image will be saved to your computer with a new filename that starts with "rsz"
    This worked fine when I tested it.

    Also, I believe this forum software will automatically resize photos if they are too large in pixel or file size. I've tested images over 3 megs in file size and maybe 10-12 megapixels in dimension.

    As a test I uploaded this image just now, 2.0 megs on my drive, 2560x1920 pixels.


    After uploading (with the Insert Image icon), the forum upload algorithm reduced it to just 70K, 1200x900 pixels.

    I don't know if there is any down-side to this from the forum resource perspective (does it waste space on the server?). A big images does take longer to upload and process than a smaller image. That said, I like to reduce the pixel size of images for uploading to 600 to 800 pixels in the largest dimension and less than 100K in file size. When I do resize one I save it in a "for posting" directory on my drive in case I want to quickly use it again some time, perhaps in an email.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Trenton SC, in the CSRA
    Try this: Paste the picture into an MSWord document. Click on the image. The Picture Tools Format menu should open. If you scan across you will see "Compress Pictures". Select that option and another menu opens. Under resolution, click "E-mail (96 ppi): minimize document size for sharing". If you have more than one picture, put them all in the document and then uncheck "Apply only to this picture". Select "OK" and everything is reset. Then click on each picture and save as a picture at the reduced pixel count.
    Saves downloading more software.
    Or at least it works for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    E TN, near Knoxville

    As an aside, I notice that your post contains the 'quot' formatting codes instead of the double quotation marks:


    If you see the same thing, here is something you might try:

    I'd be interested to know if that fixes it for you.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Trenton SC, in the CSRA
    JKJ, not seeing http or https using Firefox. Hadn&#39;t noticed that before. brand new computer and still working on settings with IT folks, e.g., losing NumLock with each power on/off haven&#39;t ever been able to reset my profile to Gene vice Eugene. Makes feel like my father is going to....</p>
    I don&#39;t see quo formatting when typing/editing.&nbsp; I do see them when posted.</p>
    Wait, there they are. &quot;s&quot; is now off.</p>
    Last edited by Eugene Dixon; 11-17-2017 at 5:59 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Trenton SC, in the CSRA
    One more "attempt".

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Trenton SC, in the CSRA
    JKJ, looks like I got 'it'. Thank you. But I still don't understand the 10 word "minimum" word count.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene Dixon View Post
    JKJ, looks like I got 'it'. Thank you. But I still don't understand the 10 word "minimum" word count.
    I guess some things we simply aren't meant to understand.

    Glad it worked!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene Dixon View Post
    JKJ, not seeing http or https using Firefox. Hadn't noticed that before. brand new computer and still working on settings with IT folks, e.g., losing NumLock with each power on/off haven't ever been able to reset my profile to Gene vice Eugene. Makes feel like my father is going to....</p>
    I don't see quo formatting when typing/editing. I do see them when posted.</p>
    Wait, there they are. "s" is now off.</p>
    The forum software doesn't allow formatting text using HTML. That's why the HTML code is visible in your post. It's probably a universal rule that online forums don't allow HTML because that would enable executable code to be embedded in a post. Instead you can use BB code for basic formatting.

    Depending on your computer's BIOS set up options, you should be be able to set the default for NumLock.

    If you're talking about changing your username on the forum from Eugene to Gene, you can't make the change yourself, but the administrator might be willing to do it.

    Firefox 57 uses icons to show whether a website uses SSL/TLS encryption if you're asking about the URL in the addresses bar.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    ....... Also, I believe this forum software will automatically resize photos if they are too large in pixel or file size. I've tested images over 3 megs in file size and maybe 10-12 megapixels in dimension.

    As a test I uploaded this image just now, 2.0 megs on my drive, 2560x1920 pixels...........

    After uploading (with the Insert Image icon), the forum upload algorithm reduced it to just 70K, 1200x900 pixels.

    I don't know if there is any down-side to this from the forum resource perspective (does it waste space on the server?). A big images does take longer to upload and process than a smaller image. That said, I like to reduce the pixel size of images for uploading to 600 to 800 pixels in the largest dimension and less than 100K in file size. When I do resize one I save it in a "for posting" directory on my drive in case I want to quickly use it again some time, perhaps in an email.
    Of course the advantage of editing the photo yourself in Photoshop or whatever you use is that you are in control of the resizing and compression rather than some heavy handed automated process that operates with all the finesse of a chainsaw.

    I doubt that there is any server disk storage impact if you upload a large image and let the software do the shrinking and compression for you since I doubt that the original uploaded file is retained.

    I'm on my iPad so I can't test the "Manage Attachments" option that appears beneath the post text entry box. I'm curious about whether that also shrinks and compresses images.

    One option that hasn't been mentioned yet is cropping. I sometimes see images with a lot of wasted space ... cropping down to the essential part of the image would allow that part to be larger with less detail-killing compression.
    Last edited by Bill Boehme; 11-18-2017 at 4:52 PM. Reason: Restored missing words

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Boehme View Post
    I'm on my iPad so I can't test the "Manage Attachments" option that appears beneath the post text entry box. I'm curious about whether that also shrinks and compresses images.

    One option that hasn't been mentioned yet is cropping. I sometimes see images with a lot of wasted space ...
    My normal process to prepare a photo:
    - rotate to straighten (if needed, rarely)
    - crop (if needed, usually)
    - unsharp mask to sharpen (sometimes)
    - levels/curves for brightness/contrast (often)
    - fix any obnoxious specks (dust on a turning, etc)
    - resize (to 600-800 pixels, usually 640 is enough for web)
    - compress to <100K and save file (10 second operation with PS Save for Web)
    The whole process usually is less than a minute.

    It is surprising how good a big image can look on a computer monitor with even considerable compression.
    Cropping can streamline things immensely.

    I see nothing in Manage Attachments besides tools to upload new images, reuse a previous image, and delete unwanted attachments.

    Uploading an image in Manage Attachments did the same thing upload does elsewhere. It reduced the pixel size of this image from 2816x.. to 1200x.. and compressed it from 1.7meg to 170K.



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