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Thread: DIY Dehumification Kiln questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Milwaukie, OR

    DIY Dehumification Kiln questions

    Eventually I'd like to get a Nyle DH system or something similar when I can afford it, but in the interim I'm patching a DIY DH system. Any others with experience doing the same? If so, here's some of the questions that have come up for me.

    1: What's the ideal humidity for a DH kiln? Here in the NW we are typically in the 50-60% humidity range this time of the year. I'm guessing that's within ideal ranges in a DH kiln?

    2) How are you monitoring and controlling the humidity? With high temps (>100 F) the remote humidity and temp. digital sensors that I've tried, don't work. I've also burned up two home dehumidfiers when the temperature was above 95 F. It doesn't look like a standard dehumidifier will tolerate high temps.

    3) How are you heating and controlling the heat in your kiln?

    Thanks for any input.

    David M.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    I operated an EBAC DH kiln for ten years and the model I owned you controlled the temperature not the humidity. You bring the temperature up very slow according to the drying schedule provided by the manufacturer for the species of wood you dry.

    The unit was basically a small heat pump.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Thompsons Station, Tn.
    For your dehumidifier look for the type used by the emergency service cos. They use dehumidifiers to dry carpets and such. With the duty cycle they have, one should last you a lifetime. No doubt expensive, however, amortized over 5 or 6 years probably cheaper than consumer grade units. If this will be a business there maybe offsetting tax considerations.

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